Sony IMX219 Linux Driver for Jetson Xavier
IMX219 Features
The Sony IMX219 is a CMOS image sensor with the following features:
- CSI2 serial data output (selection of 4 or 2 lanes)
- Max. 30 frame/s in all-pixel scan mode
- 180 frame/s 720p with 2x2 analog (special) binning, 60 frame/s @ 1080p with V-crop
- Data rate: Max. 722 Mbps/lane(@4lane), 912 Mbps/Lane(@2lane)
- Max resolution of 3280 (H) x 2464 (V) approx. 8.08 M pixels
RidgeRun has developed a driver for the Jetson Xavier platform with the following support:
- L4T 31.1 and Jetpack 4.1
- V4l2 Media controller driver
- One camera capturing (TODO: to expand to 6 cameras)
- Tested resolution 3280 x 2464 @ 15 fps
- Tested resolution 720p @ 78 fps
- Tested resolution 1640x1232 @ 30 fps
- Tested resolution 820x616 @ 30 fps
- Tested with J20 Auvidea board.
- Capture with v4l2src and also with nvarguscamerasrc using the ISP.
Enabling the driver
In order to use this driver, you have to patch and compile the kernel source:
- Follow the instructions in [1] to get the kernel source code ( script).
- Once you have the source code, apply the following patch if you haven't yet.
Make sure to enable imx219 driver support:
make menuconfig
-> Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> NVIDIA overlay Encoders, decoders, sensors and other helper chips -> <*> IMX219 camera sensor support
You need to make sure to enable the J20 support:
-> Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> NVIDIA overlay Encoders, decoders, sensors and other helper chips -> <*> Auvidea J20 Expansion board
Using the driver
V4L examples
In order to capture with V4L you can use v4l-utils and the application v4l2-ctl:
v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=3280,height=2464,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=test_3280x2464.bayer
the image captured is in raw format (Bayer) so in order to be able to see the image you will need to convert it.
You can use the raw2rgbpnm tool to check all the buffers:
So, run the following commands to download the tool and compile it:
git clone git clone cd raw2rgbpnm
Open the file raw2rgbpnm.c and change the line 489 with:
int c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:f:ghs:wn");
This is to enable the option to extract multiple frames from a file. Now, you can build the application:
This tool converts from GRBG10 to pnm. We capture RGGB in the IMX219, so you will see that the colors at the output of the image are wrong.
Check the buffers with:
./raw2rgbpnm -f SGRBG10 -s 3296x2464 -b 5.0 -n test_3280x2464.bayer output_3280x2464
Gstreamer examples
- 3280x2464
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)3280, height=(int)2464, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)21/1' ! nvvidconv ! queue ! xvimagesink
- 1640x1232
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1640, height=(int)1232, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! nvvidconv ! queue ! xvimagesink
This is an image captured with the above pipeline:

- 1280x720
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! nvvidconv ! queue ! xvimagesink
- 820x616
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)820, height=(int)616, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! nvvidconv ! queue ! xvimagesink
Using the following pipelines we can test the performance of the Jetson Xavier when doing capture:
v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=3280,height=2464,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap
The framerate for this resolution with v4l:
nvidia@jetson-0423318029309:~$ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=3280,height=2464,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 18.81 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 17.32 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.88 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.62 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.50 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.41 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.33 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.29 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.24 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.21 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.19 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.16 fps <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16.15 fps
We noticed that capturing with the max resolution 3280x2464, the cpu load consumption measured with tegrastats doesn't change considerably, and it remains almost the same:
- Tegrastats capturing with v4l2-ctl and 3280x2464 resolution:
RAM 1826/15820MB (lfb 3352x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1826/15820MB (lfb 3352x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,4%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [1%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [1%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,2%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [1%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1888/15820MB (lfb 3340x4MB) CPU [1%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1826/15820MB (lfb 3352x4MB) CPU [1%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,1%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1826/15820MB (lfb 3352x4MB) CPU [0%@1190,0%@1190,0%@1190,2%@1190,off,off,off,off]
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)3280, height=(int)2464, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)21/1' ! fakesink
The framerate for this resolution with nvarguscamerasrc and perf:
nvidia@jetson-0423318029309:~$ DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)3280, height=(int)2464, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)21/1' ! perf ! fakesink Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ... Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock GST_ARGUS: Creating output stream CONSUMER: Waiting until producer is connected... GST_ARGUS: Available Sensor modes : GST_ARGUS: 3280 x 2464 FR = 21.000000 fps; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000; GST_ARGUS: 1920 x 1080 FR = 29.999999 fps; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000; GST_ARGUS: 1640 x 1232 FR = 29.999999 fps; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000; GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 29.999999 fps; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000; GST_ARGUS: 820 x 616 FR = 29.999999 fps; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 16.000000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000; GST_ARGUS: Running with following settings: Camera index = 0 Camera mode = 0 Output Stream W = 3280 H = 2464 seconds to Run = 0 Frame Rate = 21.000000 GST_ARGUS: Setup Complete, Starting captures for 0 seconds GST_ARGUS: Starting repeat capture requests. CONSUMER: Producer has connected; continuing. GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:53.091389373; Bps: 0; fps: 0.0 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:54.144861013; Bps: 911; fps: 16.14 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:55.151976993; Bps: 953; fps: 15.88 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:56.152766447; Bps: 960; fps: 16.0 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:57.156691528; Bps: 957; fps: 15.95 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:58.161355065; Bps: 956; fps: 15.93 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:30:59.164075813; Bps: 958; fps: 15.96 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:31:00.168307587; Bps: 956; fps: 15.93 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:31:01.172187921; Bps: 957; fps: 15.95 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:31:02.176199458; Bps: 956; fps: 15.93 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:31:03.179801283; Bps: 957; fps: 15.95 GST-PERF INFO --> Timestamp: 0:31:04.183208955; Bps: 957; fps: 15.95 ^Chandling interrupt. Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ... Execution ended after 0:00:13.407925037 Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Setting pipeline to READY ... GST_ARGUS: Cleaning up CONSUMER: Done Success GST_ARGUS: Done Success Setting pipeline to NULL ... Freeing pipeline ...
- Tegrastats capturing with nvarguscamerasrc and 3280x2464 resolution:
RAM 2421/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [9%@1190,6%@1190,5%@1190,10%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2423/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [7%@1190,5%@1190,6%@1190,6%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2423/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [7%@1190,6%@1190,6%@1190,5%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2423/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [6%@1190,7%@1190,3%@1190,9%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2423/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [8%@1190,2%@1190,7%@1190,8%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2424/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [8%@1190,8%@1190,7%@1190,11%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2425/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [5%@1190,4%@1190,5%@1190,7%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2426/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [7%@1190,5%@1190,7%@1190,6%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2426/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [9%@1190,7%@1190,8%@1190,5%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 2426/15820MB (lfb 3194x4MB) CPU [6%@1190,6%@1190,3%@1190,6%@1190,off,off,off,off]
These tests were done using the J20 board from Auvidea Getting started guide for Auvidea J20 board
Video Encoding Transport Stream 1640x1232@30fps
CAPS="video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1640, height=(int)1232, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1" DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! capsfilter caps="$CAPS" ! omxh264enc ! \ mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test.ts
DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 num-buffers=2 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1640, height=(int)1232, format=(string)NV12, \ framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw, width=(int)1640, height=(int)1232, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)30/1' ! multifilesink location=test_%d.yuv
Imx219 latency in Xavier
3280x2464 16fps glass to glass latency
Jetson Glass to glass latency test for 3280x2464 16fps IMX219 camera mode
Test pipeline:
nvidia@jetson-0423318029309:~$ DISPLAY=:0 gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),\ width=(int)3280, height=(int)2464, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)21/1' ! nvvidconv ! queue ! xvimagesink
Glass to glass latency = 215 ms

Contact Us
If you are interested in purchasing the driver, please post your inquiry at our Contact Us link.