NVIDIA Xavier - JetPack 5.0.2 - Components - VisionWorks

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


VisionWorks is a software development package for computer vision (CV) and image processing. It implements and extends the Khronos OpenVX standard and has optimizations using the Xavier's GPU.

Samples and Demos

VisionWorks is installed with the JetPack and includes samples that can be used as a starting point for development. The source code is located in /usr/share/visionworks/sources/ and should be moved using the following commands

/usr/share/visionworks/sources/install-samples.sh ~/
cd ~/VisionWorks-1.6-Samples/
make -j4 # add dbg=1 to make debug build

this will compile all the samples and save them into the ~/VisionWorks-1.6-Samples/bin directory, individual samples can be compiled from their own directory but the executable will be stored in the same directory as when all samples are built from the top directory.

Sample Description
Feature Tracker A local feature tracking demo using the Harris or FAST feature detector and tracks them using Lucas-Kanade algorithm.
Stereo Matching Uses the Semi-Global Matching algorithm to evaluate disparity and display the stereo matching.
CUDA Layer Object Tracker Uses pyramidal Optical Flow to perform object tracking.
Hough Transform Detects circles and lines via the Hough Transform.
Video Stabilizer Uses the Harris feature detector and sparse pyramidal optical flow to estimate and stabilize a frame's motion.
Motion Estimation Implements the NVIDIA Iterative Motion Estimation algorithm to estimate motion in a frame.
OpenCV and NPP Interop Shows interoperability of VisionWorks with the NPP and OpenCV library. It takes two images, blurs them and performs alpha blending between them.
OpenGL Interop Shows interoperability of VisionWorks and OpenGL.
Video Playback Shows basic image and video I/O.
NVIDIA Gstreamer Camera Capture Shows NVIDIA GStreamer camera access.

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