NVIDIA Xavier - JetPack 5.0.2 - Getting Started - Installing Jetpack

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki



Supported host operating systems are Ubuntu Linux x64 Version 18.04 or 16.04

Download Installer to Host Computer

1. Download JetPack 4.0 from https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/downloads

2. Move binary into installation directory, /home/$USER/JetPack-L4T/ is recommended

mkdir -p /home/$USER/JetPack-L4T/
mv JetPack-${VERSION}.run /home/$USER/JetPack-L4T/

3. Set the Jetpack binary as executable and set correct permissions.

cd /home/$USER/JetPack-L4T
chmod +x JetPack-${VERSION}.run

Run the Installer

1. Run the Binary


2. Press next to start the installation

Start Installation
Start Installation
Figure 1. Start Installation

3. Select install location

Start Installation
Start Installation
Figure 2. Installation Configuration

4. Select platform

Installing location
Installing location
Figure 3. Select Development Enviroment

5. Select desired components, standard installation is recommended

Installing location
Installing location
Figure 4. Component Selection

6. Accept terms and conditions

Installing location
Installing location
Figure 5. Terms and Conditions

7. Wait for installation to complete

Installing location
Installing location
Figure 6. Terms and Conditions

This might take a while since Jetpack must download all packages and install some of them on the host computer.

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