Qualcomm Robotics RB5 - Hexagon SDK Installation
The Qualcomm Robotics RB5 platform provides developers with the tools to develop advanced robotics applications, one of them is the Hexagon DSP, an efficient Digital Signal Processor. To seize the full potential of the DSP, Qualcomm has developed the Qualcomm Hexagon DSP SDK, a set of tools, documentation and software to facilitate developers into building and running custom audio, embedded vision, video and computationally intensive algorithms and applications on the Robotics RB5 platform and take advantage of the powerful processing the DSP has to offer to increase their performance.[1].

Downloading the Hexagon DSP SDK[2]
1. Click on the following link and choose the Qualcomm Package Manager - Linux v2.0 option to download the Linux version of the Qualcomm Package Manager, that will be used to install the Hexagon SDK Hexagon_DSP_SDK_Linux.

2. Decompress the tar package:
tar -xvf qualcommpackagemanager.lnx_.2.0_installer_20021.2.tar
You will get two files similar to the ones below:
80-PJ922-2_E.pdf QualcommPackageManager.
3. On Ubuntu 20.04, the Qualcomm Package Manager (qpm) needs some dependencies, which are not available through any package manager, so follow these steps to download and install them manually: Click on the following package from this link to download it:
multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.6_amd64.deb 2022-05-11 16:14 6.8K
Click on the following packages from this link to download them:
libgnome-keyring-common_3.12.0-1build1_all.deb 27-Mar-2015 12:49 5792 libgnome-keyring0_3.12.0-1build1_amd64.deb 27-Mar-2015 12:49 55K
On a terminal in your computer change to the directory where the packages were downloaded and install them in the following order:


E: Unable to locate package <.deb file>, while running the install commands below, replace the
sudo apt installpart of the command with
sudo dpkg -i, for example, one of the commands would be
sudo dpkg -i multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.6_amd64.debwith the replacement.
cd ~/Downloads
sudo apt install multiarch-support_2.27-3ubuntu1.6_amd64.deb
sudo apt install libgnome-keyring-common_3.12.0-1build1_all.deb
sudo apt install libgnome-keyring0_3.12.0-1build1_amd64.deb
4. Install the Qualcomm Package Manager:

sudo apt install ./QualcommPackageManager.
5. Once The qpm is installed, run the following commands on a terminal in your computer, each of them could take up to 30 minutes:

qpm-cli --login
You should get a response like the following, :
user@email:~/work/rnd/qualcomm_robotics_rb5$ qpm-cli --login User: user@email Password: ****************** [Info] : Login is successful [Info] : Fetching product catalog .... [Info] : Product catalog refreshed successfully
Run the following command to activate the base SDK license:
qpm-cli --license-activate hexagonsdk5.x
You should get a response like the following:
user@email:~/work/rnd/qualcomm_robotics_rb5$ qpm-cli --license-activate hexagonsdk5.x [Info] : Fetching product catalog .... [Info] : Product catalog refreshed successfully [Info] : Activating license : hexagonsdk5.x [Info] : License activation is successful ActivationId=[<Activation-ID>]
Run the following command to activate the Compute Add-on license:

qpm-cli --license-activate compute1.x
You should get a response like the following:
user@email:~/work/rnd/qualcomm_robotics_rb5$ qpm-cli --license-activate compute1.x [Info] : Fetching product catalog .... [Info] : Product catalog refreshed successfully [Info] : Activating license : compute1.x [Info] : License activation is successful ActivationId=[<Activation-ID>]
To run the next command, you need to create a json file to configure the Installation path for the Hexagon SDK, so in your text editor by preference create a file named installConfig.json with the following content:

"CustomInstallPath" : "<INSTALL_PATH>"
Once the config file is created, run the following command to install the Hexagon SDK:
qpm-cli --install hexagonsdk5.x --config installConfig.json
You should get a response like the following, which means the Hexagon SDK was installed successfully:
user@email:~/work/rnd/qualcomm_robotics_rb5$ qpm-cli --install hexagonsdk5.x --config installConfig.json
[Info] : Fetching product catalog ....
[Info] : Product catalog refreshed successfully
[Info] : Downloading ....
Access to and use of tools managed by the Qualcomm Package Manager are subject to the terms and conditions of the corresponding agreement(s) in place with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates.
Unauthorized access or use is prohibited. Information such as tool version, operating system, user ID, company ID, IP address, computer mac address, date, timestamp, or features and functions of our tools that you use may be collected for internal business purposes or tool improvements and is subject to the Qualcomm Privacy Policy [http://www.qualcomm.com/site/privacy].
By accessing or using this tool, you agree to the foregoing.
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Accept and continue with installation [y/n] : y
[Info] : Installing ....
[Info] : Install successful