Qualcomm Robotics RB5 - Running MobileNetV2
In this section, we are going to see how to work with a detection model and the SNPE plugin for GStreamer. In this case, we are going to use a pre-trained MobileNetv2+SSD model for the detection, inspecting and locating of all files required for this task. To continue with these steps, the previous sections should be completed. If not, please check our sections Downloading Requirements, Setup SDK Environment and Install qtimlesnpe.
Get All the Files
Please, make sure of downloading and creating the following files:
MobileNetv2 + SSD Model
You can download it from GitHub or this Mirror Site.
Once downloaded, move the file to /data/misc/camera
with the name mobilenet-SSD.dlc
You can download it from GitHub or this Mirror Site.
Once downloaded, move the file to /data/misc/camera
with the name coco_labels.txt
Configuration File
Create a file in /data/misc/camera/mle_snpe.config
with the following contents:
org.codeaurora.mle.snpe input_format = 3 BlueMean = 128.0 GreenMean = 128.0 RedMean = 128.0 BlueSigma = 128.0 GreenSigma = 128.0 RedSigma = 128.0 UseNorm = true preprocess_type = 1 confidence_threshold = 0.6 output_layers = < "add_6", "Postprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression" > runtime = 1 model = "/data/misc/camera/mobilenet-SSD.dlc" labels = "/data/misc/camera/coco_labels.txt"
From here, you can change the runtime
- 0: CPU
- 1: DSP
- 2: GPU
Run the Example on GStreamer
Once the files are in place and the prerequisites are covered, you should be able to execute the following pipeline:
gst-launch-1.0 qtiqmmfsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1, camera=0 ! qtimlesnpe config=/data/misc/camera/mle_snpe.config postprocessing=detection ! queue ! qtioverlay ! queue ! qtic2venc ! h264parse ! qtmux ! filesink location=detection.mp4 -evvv
The detection metadata is passed on top of the buffer as buffer metadata.
We have worked on a demo to facilitate getting familiar with the RB5/RB6 and AI. Please, have a look at this wiki: Demos/Smart Camera
Known Issues
Sometimes, depending on the environment, it claims that version 1.43 or lower should be used. You can change the runtime to get it working and determine if the libraries are too new for the model.
Moreover, this pipeline was tested on a Qualcomm RB5 running Linux Ubuntu 20.04.