NVIDIA Jetson Orin - Software Support

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In this section, you are going to learn about the software development kits available for Orin AGX. An SDK is the most convenient and fast way to build software for an embedded system. It provides a set of tools to compile the kernel, libraries, and applications required for your project. Jetson developers have two options: JetPack and Yocto.


It's the official SDK offered by NVIDIA to develop for the NVIDIA Jetson platforms. The JetPack SDK is the easiest way to start developing on the Jetson Orin AGX. It includes the developer tools to build the OS components and flash your Jetson Developer Kit, install developer tools for both host PC and Developer Kit, and to install the libraries and APIs, examples, and documentation needed to start with your development.

These are the JetPack versions with support for the Jetson Orin AGX:

You can learn how to get and use the JetPack SDK in our JetPack section.


It's an open-source project comprising a collection of tools and processes that allow developers to create custom Linux systems. The Yocto community created a layer that allows developers to create custom images for the Jetson boards, visit our Yocto Support for NVIDIA Jetson Platforms wiki to learn more.

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