NVIDIA Jetson Orin - GstInference Integrating deep learning inference into GStreamer
GstInference is an open-source project from RidgeRun Engineering that provides a framework for integrating deep learning inference into GStreamer. Either use one of the included elements to do out-of-the box inference using the most popular deep learning architectures or leverage the base classes and utilities to support your own custom architecture.
GstInference objective is to put inference in the hands of the developer without having to worry about frameworks, platforms, or media handling. It also has a strong focus on performance, which most Python frameworks don't really consider.
Supported frameworks:
- TensorFlow
Provided plugins:
- TinyYOLO version 2 detection
- Inception version 2 classification
- Inception version 4 classification
- FaceNet face recognition
- Detection overlay for detection metadata visualization
- Classification overlay for classification metadata visualization
- Embedding overlay for embedding metadata visualization
Promo/Demo Video
Running inference on GStreamer pipelines
It is easy to add inference elements to an existing GStreamer pipeline. By combining inference and overlay elements you can perform deep learning tasks and then easily visualize the results.
Image classification

Object detection

Face recognition

Getting Started
To know more about the extension please refer to the GstInference Introduction wiki page.
Contact Us
For technical questions or if you would like to know more information please send an email to support@ridgerun.com.