Thundercomm TurboX C8550 - Downloading Prebuilt Images

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki
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In this section, you will find a guide on how to download prebuilt images for the TurboX C8550. This section assumes that you already have the Thundercomm SDK Manager configured in your computer, if not, please check our Configuring SDK Manager section.

Download the Images

There are two methods for downloading the pre-built images, via the SDK manager and via direct download:

Direct Download

1. Download the image from one of these links according to the flashing method you want to use:

2. Place it in your SDK manager workspace directory, under the images directory, for example:

  • FlatBuid:
cp  ${HOME}/turbox-sdkmanager-ws/images/
  • Fastboot:
cp  ${HOME}/turbox-sdkmanager-ws/images/

Via SDK Manager

1. Inside the Docker container, execute the sdkmanager application with the arguments to download the image:

sdkmanager --image_download

1.1. When asked for the product to use, select Turbox_C8550.

1.2. On the SDK images release options, choose C8550.LE1.0.FC.r001003 (2024-03-08).

1.3. For SDK image options, select the one according to the flashing method you want to use.

1.4. Press Enter to download the image in the default path, and then confirm by typing Yes.

2. Wait for the image download to finish.

After the download finishes you will find the zip file in the specified download directory.
