Thundercomm TurboX C8550 - Setting up Board in Fastboot Mode

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


In this section we will explain the steps on how to setup the board in the Fastboot Mode[1]. Fastbood Mode is used for recovering/flashing the board over USB, however, if the device fails to boot up after image flashing with Fastboot, try to flash the FlatBuild image.

Please read every step before starting.

To enter Fastboot mode, follow the next steps related to the hardware pieces highlighted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. TurboX C8550 DevKit flash and debug ports

There are two alternatives to enter Fastboot mode, ADB and buttons combination.


1. Plug a USB-C cable between your PC and the USB Type C port of the board.

2. Check the board was detected by the PC:

adb devices

You should see an output similar to this one:

List of devices attached
7eb85c45	device

3. Execute the following commands:

adb root
adb reboot bootloader 

Via Buttons Combination

1. Power off the device.

2. Make sure there's no USB-C cable connected to the board.

3. Hold the Volume Down button and press the Power On button, then release the Volume Down button about 5 seconds later.

4. Plug a USB-C cable between your PC and the USB Type C port of the board.

Check that the device entered in Fastboot mode by running:

fastboot devices

You should see an output similar to this:

[turbox@sdkmanager-18.04-3.2.3 ~ ]$ fastboot devices
7eb85c45	fastboot

If you have a display connected to the HDMI Out port you will also see the FastBoot Mode screen.

Now you can proceed to the Flashing the Images section to flash your Fastboot image.


  1. TurboX C8550 DK LE Software Release Notes. Retrieved August 5, 2024, from [1]
