NVIDIA Jetson Orin - JetPack 5.0.2 - Getting Started - Components

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This section provides an overview of some of the main software components in Jetpack 5.0 for the Orin AGX.

Jetpack Components

Linux for Tegra

Linux for Tegra (L4T) is the component that provides the OS components (kernel, file system, drivers, firmware) and the bootloader. Jetpack 5.0 comes with L4T version 34.1, featuring:

  • Linux Kernel version 5.10: the previous Jetpack version (4.6) came with Linux Kernel version 4.9.
  • Ubuntu 20.04-based root file system: the previous Jetpack version (4.6) came with Ubuntu 18.04-based root file system.
  • UEFI-based bootloader: CBoot was used prior to L4T 34.1.
  • Jetson Orin NX performance emulation on Jetson AGX Orin:
  • Support for NVSCI: Provides utilities for streaming data packets between different applications and for inter-process communication (IPC)
  • Jetson Power GUI: a new tool for monitoring the power and thermal status of the Jetson platform.


TensorRT is a framework created and published by NVIDIA for deep learning inference runtime. Jetpack 5.0 Developer Preview includes TensorRT 8.4.0 Early Access (EA). This EA is for early testing and feedback. For production, the documentation recommends continuing to use TensorRT 8.2.3 or later TensorRT 8.2.x patch.

TensorRT 8.4.0 EA has been tested with the following:

  • cuDNN 8.3.2
  • TensorFlow 1.15.5
  • PyTorch 1.9.0


CUDA Toolkit provides a comprehensive development environment for C and C++ developers building GPU-accelerated applications. The toolkit includes a compiler for NVIDIA GPUs, math libraries, and tools for debugging and optimizing the performance of your applications.

Starting with CUDA 11, the various components in the toolkit are versioned independently.

For CUDA 11.4, the table below indicates the versions:

Component Name Version Information Supported Architectures
CUDA Runtime (cudart) 11.4.148 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
cuobjdump 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUPTI 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuxxfilt (demangler) 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA Demo Suite 11.4.100 x86_64
CUDA GDB 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA Memcheck 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER
CUDA NVCC 11.4.152 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA nvdisasm 11.4.152 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA NVML Headers 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA nvprof 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA nvprune 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA NVRTC 11.4.152 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA NVTX 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA NVVP 11.4.193 x86_64, POWER
CUDA Samples 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA Compute Sanitizer API 11.4.120 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA Thrust 11.4.122 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuBLAS x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuFFT x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuFile x86_64
CUDA cuRAND x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuSOLVER x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA cuSPARSE x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA NPP x86_64, POWER, Arm64
CUDA nvJPEG x86_64, POWER, Arm64
Nsight Compute 2021.2.2.1 x86_64, POWER, Arm64 (CLI only)
NVTX 1.21018621 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
Nsight Systems 2021.3.2.4 x86_64, POWER, Arm64 (CLI only)
Nsight Visual Studio Edition (VSE) 2021.2.1.21205 x86_64 (Windows)
nvidia_fs1 2.7.53 x86_64
Visual Studio Integration 11.4.120 x86_64 (Windows)
NVIDIA Linux Driver 470.82.01 x86_64, POWER, Arm64
NVIDIA Windows Driver 472.50 x86_64 (Windows)

The last update of CUDA 11.4 is Update 4, in which the Linux x86_64 Driver Version is >=470.82.01.

Multimedia API

The Jetson Linux API Reference describes several APIs or API extensions that are implemented in NVIDIA® Jetson™ Linux Driver Package (L4T). You can use these APIs to customize aspects of your Jetson device's behavior.

Camera application API: libargus offers a low-level frame-synchronous API for camera applications, with per frame camera parameter control, multiple (including synchronized) camera support, and EGL stream outputs. RAW output CSI cameras needing ISP can be used with either libargus or GStreamer plugin. In either case, the V4L2 media-controller sensor driver API is used.

The Multimedia APIs are separate from the GStreamer framework, which provides high-level APIs. That framework is included in current and previous releases.

JetPack 5.0 Developer Preview Multimedia highlights include:

  • New NVUtils Multimedia buffer management and buffer transformation API.

Jetpack Components Comparison

Package Jetpack 5.0 Version Jetpack 4.6.1 Version
Linux for Tegra 34.1 32.7.1
TensorRT 8.4.0 Early Access 8.2.1
cuDNN 8.3.2 8.2.1
CUDA 11.4.6 10.2
OpenCV 4.5.4 (Developer Preview) 4.1.1
Vision Programing Interface (VPI) 2.0 1.2

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