Migrating From JetPack 5 to JetPack 6 in a Jetson Orin Nano Without a Linux Host

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Previous: Migrating from JetPack 5 to JetPack 6/Over-the-Air Update Method Index Next: Installing JetPack 6

This wiki provides a detailed guide for upgrading your Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit from JetPack 5 to JetPack 6, bypassing the need for a separate Linux host machine.

The process leverages an SD card image containing the necessary JetPack 6 components.

1. Preparation.

  • Disconnect NVMe storage.
  • Insert an SD card into the Jetson Orin Nano Devkit.

2. Update Bootloader to JetPack 5.1.3.

  • Option 1: Using JetPack 5.1.1 SD card.
    • Prepare and insert a JetPack 5.1.1 SD card.
    • Boot the device, set the SD device as the top boot option in the UEFI menu, and complete the setup.
    • Check current bootloader version using
      sudo nvbootctrl dump-slots-info
    • Update to JetPack 5.1.3.
      • Modify apt sources list to point to r35.5.
      • Run
        sudo apt update
        sudo apt dist-upgrade
      • Reboot and verify the bootloader version is 35.5.0.
  • Option 2: Using JetPack 5.1.3 SD card.
    • Prepare and insert a JetPack 5.1.3 SD card.
    • Boot the device, set the SD device as the top boot option in the UEFI menu, and complete the setup.
    • Check the bootloader version using
      sudo nvbootctrl dump-slots-info
    • If necessary, reboot to update the bootloader to version 35.5.0.

3. Update to JetPack 6.

  • Install the package to update the bootloader to JetPack 6.
    • Run
      sudo apt-get install nvidia-l4t-jetson-orin-nano-qspi-updater
    • Reboot the device.

4. Completion.

  • After reboot, the device will boot to UEFI and halt, indicating the update is complete.

Previous: Migrating from JetPack 5 to JetPack 6/Over-the-Air Update Method Index Next: Installing JetPack 6