Migrating from JetPack 5 to JetPack 6 Using Debian packages
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This guide details how to update minor versions within JetPack 6 using apt, the Debian package manager. Upgrading from a different major version, such as JetPack 5, requires alternative methods like SDK Manager or manual flashing. This guide focuses specifically on updating between minor releases within JetPack 6.
Upgrading from previous JetPack 6.x releases
1. Edit the repository list:
- Modify the file
to point to the desired JetPack 6.x repository (e.g., version 36.3). - Simply change the version number (e.g., "r35.1") to "r36.3" in both lines of the file.
2. Update and upgrade packages:
- Run the following commands in your terminal:
sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade sudo apt install --fix-broken -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite"
3. Reboot the system:
- After running the commands, perform a physical reboot of your Jetson device for the changes to take effect.