i.MX8 - Getting Started - Loading Pre-built Images - Android SD Partitions RidgeRun Script
General Description
The following script is a modified version of the Android script for the creation of the partition on SD Cards. The original version can be found inside the packages provided by Android for i.MX8 platforms.
This script provides support for devices recognized as /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX among others by the host machine.
Example Usage
You can run the script in order to write Android images on SD Cards. One usage example for writing pre-built Android images for i.MX8 platforms is present in this guide.
Script Content
You can name the script as fsl-sdcard-partition-rr.sh and put the following content inside it:
#!/bin/bash # android-tools-fsutils should be installed as # "sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils" help() { bn=`basename $0` cat << EOF usage $bn <option> device_node options: -h displays this help message -s only get partition size -np not partition. -f soc_name flash android image file with soc_name -F soc_name determine the device_node's offset to flash bootloader and flash default android image file soc offset(KB) default 1 imx8dv 16 imx8qm/imx8qxp/imx8mq 33 -a only flash image to slot_a -b only flash image to slot_b -c card_size optional setting: 7 / 14 / 28 If not set, use partition-table.img If set to 7, use partition-table-7GB.img for 7GB SD card EOF } # parse command line moreoptions=1 node="na" soc_name="" cal_only=0 card_size=0 bootloader_offset=1 vaild_gpt_size=17 not_partition=0 not_format_fs=0 slot="" systemimage_file="system.img" systemimage_raw_file="system_raw.img" vendor_file="vendor.img" vendor_raw_file="vendor_raw.img" partition_file="partition-table.img" g_sizes=0 append_soc_name=0 while [ "$moreoptions" = 1 -a $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -h) help; exit ;; -s) cal_only=1 ;; -f) append_soc_name=1 ; soc_name=$2; shift;; -F) soc_name=$2; shift;; -c) card_size=$2; shift;; -np) not_partition=1 ;; -nf) not_format_fs=1 ;; -a) slot="_a" ;; -b) slot="_b" ;; *) moreoptions=0; node=$1 ;; esac [ "$moreoptions" = 0 ] && [ $# -gt 1 ] && help && exit [ "$moreoptions" = 1 ] && shift done if [ ${card_size} -ne 0 ] && [ ${card_size} -ne 7 ] && [ ${card_size} -ne 14 ] && [ ${card_size} -ne 28 ]; then help; exit; fi if [ "${soc_name}" = "imx8dv" ]; then bootloader_offset=16 fi if [ "${soc_name}" = "imx8qm" -o "${soc_name}" = "imx8qxp" -o "${soc_name}" = "imx8mq" ]; then bootloader_offset=33 fi echo "${soc_name} bootloader offset is: ${bootloader_offset}" if [ "${soc_name}" != "" ] && [ "${append_soc_name}" -eq 1 ]; then soc_name="-${soc_name}" else soc_name="" fi if [ ! -e ${node} ]; then help exit fi # dump partitions if [ "${cal_only}" -eq "1" ]; then gdisk -l ${node} 2>/dev/null | grep -A 20 "Number " exit fi function get_partition_size { start_sector=`gdisk -l ${node} | grep -w $1 | awk '{print $2}'` end_sector=`gdisk -l ${node} | grep -w $1 | awk '{print $3}'` # 1 sector = 512 bytes. This will change unit from sector to MBytes. let "g_sizes=($end_sector - $start_sector + 1) / 2048" } function format_partition { num=`gdisk -l ${node} | grep -w $1 | awk '{print $1}'` num_part=`fdisk -l ${node} | grep '^/dev' | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -oP "^${node}\K.*" | awk "NR==$num"` if [ ${num} -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "format_partition: $1:${node}${num_part} ext4" mkfs.ext4 -F ${node}${num_part} -L$1 fi } function erase_partition { num=`gdisk -l ${node} | grep -w $1 | awk '{print $1}'` num_part=`fdisk -l ${node} | grep '^/dev' | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -oP "^${node}\K.*" | awk "NR==$num"` if [ ${num} -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then get_partition_size $1 echo "erase_partition: $1 : ${node}${num_part} ${g_sizes}M" dd if=/dev/zero of=${node}${num_part} bs=1048576 conv=fsync count=$g_sizes fi } function flash_partition { for num in `gdisk -l ${node} | grep -E -w "$1|$1_a|$1_b" | awk '{print $1}'` do num_part=`fdisk -l ${node} | grep '^/dev' | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -oP "^${node}\K.*" | awk "NR==$num"` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $(echo ${1} | grep "system") != "" ] 2>/dev/null; then img_name=${systemimage_raw_file} elif [ $(echo ${1} | grep "vendor") != "" ] 2>/dev/null; then img_name=${vendor_raw_file} else img_name="${1%_*}${soc_name}.img" fi echo "flash_partition: ${img_name} ---> ${node}${num_part}" dd if=${img_name} of=${node}${num_part} bs=10M conv=fsync fi done } function format_android { echo "formating android images" format_partition userdata format_partition cache erase_partition presistdata erase_partition fbmisc erase_partition misc } function make_partition { if [ ${card_size} -gt 0 ]; then partition_file="partition-table-${card_size}GB.img" fi echo "make gpt partition for android: ${partition_file}" dd if=${partition_file} of=${node} bs=1k count=${vaild_gpt_size} conv=fsync } function flash_android { boot_partition="boot"${slot} recovery_partition="recovery"${slot} system_partition="system"${slot} vendor_partition="vendor"${slot} vbmeta_partition="vbmeta"${slot} bootloader_file="u-boot${soc_name}.imx" flash_partition ${boot_partition} flash_partition ${recovery_partition} simg2img ${systemimage_file} ${systemimage_raw_file} flash_partition ${system_partition} rm ${systemimage_raw_file} simg2img ${vendor_file} ${vendor_raw_file} flash_partition ${vendor_partition} rm ${vendor_raw_file} flash_partition ${vbmeta_partition} echo "erase_partition: uboot : ${node}" echo "flash_partition: ${bootloader_file} ---> ${node}" first_partition_offset=`gdisk -l ${node} | grep ' 1 ' | awk '{print $2}'` # the unit of first_partition_offset is sector size which is 512 Byte. count_bootloader=`expr ${first_partition_offset} / 2 - ${bootloader_offset}` echo "the bootloader partition size: ${count_bootloader}" dd if=/dev/zero of=${node} bs=1k seek=${bootloader_offset} conv=fsync count=${count_bootloader} dd if=${bootloader_file} of=${node} bs=1k seek=${bootloader_offset} conv=fsync } if [ "${not_partition}" -eq "1" ] ; then flash_android exit fi make_partition sleep 3 for i in `cat /proc/mounts | grep "${node}" | awk '{print $2}'`; do umount $i; done hdparm -z ${node} # backup the GPT table to last LBA for sd card. echo -e 'r\ne\nY\nw\nY\nY' | gdisk ${node} format_android flash_android # For MFGTool Notes: # MFGTool use mksdcard-android.tar store this script # if you want change it. # do following: # tar xf mksdcard-android.sh.tar # vi mksdcard-android.sh # [ edit want you want to change ] # rm mksdcard-android.sh.tar; tar cf mksdcard-android.sh.tar mksdcard-android.sh