Birds Eye View - Minimal Application Integration
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This page will help you integrate libpanorama/Birds Eye View into your own application. The example provided here is minimal, please consult the examples in order to see more intricate code bases.
In its simplest from, a Birds Eye View application looks like the following:
#include "lp/libpanorama.hpp" #include "lp/engines/bev_rectilinear.hpp" #include "lp/image.hpp" #include "lp/io/gstreamer.hpp" #include <string> #include <vector> // Create a new BEV engine: // - RGBA // - 8 bit per component lp::engines::BevRectilinear<lp::RGBA<uint8_t>> engine; // Load the calibration parameters from a file const std::string calibration_file = "examples/birds_eye_view.json"; std::vector <lp::engines::BevParams> params = lp::engines::LoadParametersFromFile (calibration_file); engine.SetParameters (params); // Grab the number of input cameras const int num_inputs = params.size(); // Define an image loader for each input camera and load the media std::vector<lp::io::GStreamer<lp::RGBA<uint8_t>>> loaders(num_inputs); for (int i=0; i < num_inputs; i++) { loader.Open(params[i].pipeline); } // Allocate the input images. The amount of images must match the parameters std::vector<lp::image<lp::RGBA<uint8_t>>> input_images(num_inputs); for (int i=0; i < num_inputs; i++) { input_images[i] = loaders[I].ReadImage() // The size if the ith image must match its corresponding "denormalize" parameter assert(input_images[i].GetSize() == params[input_num].denormalize.size); }