i.MX8 - Nitrogen8M - Yocto - Building Yocto

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Revision as of 05:11, 9 December 2018 by Spalli (talk | contribs)

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Nitrogen8M is supported by Yocto Thud.


Before running Yocto, install its dependencies with the following command.

sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential \
chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping \
libsdl1.2-dev xterm autoconf libtool libglib2.0-dev python-git sed cvs subversion coreutils \
texi2html docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev \
libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial automake groff curl lzop asciidoc u-boot-tools dos2unix mtd-utils pv \
libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libelf-dev zlib1g-dev

NOTE: If you have some dependency errors, this could be the reason: Broken APT due to ARM64 packages

Setting up Repo tool

Yocto's meta-layers are configured through repo tool, install it as follows.

mkdir ~/bin
curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Getting Source Code

The repo tool requires a repository as argument to download files, set Yocto as follows.

mkdir fsl-community-bsp
cd fsl-community-bsp
repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b $BRANCH
repo sync

This will download the latest manifest file for the most recent supported Yocto version. Actually (November 2018), the manifest file will set the host machine with Yocto Thud.


Set host's environment variables and create default configuration files by running setup-environment script. Actually (November, 2018) only Wayland distro is suported.

DISTRO=fslc-wayland MACHINE=nitrogen8m source setup-environment $BUILD_DIR

The first run, DISTRO and MACHINE variables are stored in your default configuration files. The second (or more) run with the same BUILD_DIR, the environment variables will be loaded from your previous configuration files. In other words, running the previous instructions again with other DISTRO and MACHINE will not change your DISTRO and MACHINE from your default configuration files. If you need to change environment variables from a previous run, you must modify your default files at BUILD_DIR/conf.


Keep in mind that the building can be configured with arguments, check the following tabla for more details.

Option Description
-c <task> Execute specific task for the image or recipe. Some examples: fetch, compile, clean, cleansstate, package.
-f Force execution.
-v Verbose mode.
-DDD Enable debug information.
-s Show recipe version.
-g <recipe> Show dependency tree for the recipe.
-c listtasks <image_or_recipe> Show the tasks associated with a recipe or image.
-k keep running if an error appears.
--help Detailed help information.

In order to build your image, run the next command:

bitbake $IMAGE $OPTION

Other available images:

  1. core-image-minimal
  2. core-image-full-cmdline
  3. fsl-image-multimedia
  4. fsl-image-multimedia-full
  5. fsl-image-machine-test

The images will be stored under the directory: <BUILD_DIR>/tmp/deploy/images/nitrogen8m

Previous: Nitrogen8M/Yocto Index Next: Nitrogen8M/Yocto/Installing an Image