LibMISB - Getting Started - Reference application

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Your build environment will need the following packages installed in order to build LibMISB:

  • jansson
  • cpputest
  • doxygen
  • meson

Apt Get Installation

sudo apt-get install \
libjansson-dev \
cpputest \
doxygen \ 
python3 \ 
python3-pip \ 

Meson Installation

Follow the next command to install Meson:

pip3 install --user 'meson<=0.60.3' --force-reinstall

If meson doesn't work, try reboot. Important: Meson version must be less or equal to 0.60.3. You can verify Meson version with the following command

 meson --version


LibMISB is a Meson project. This makes it easy to build software packages for a variety of operating systems and platforms, including embedded devices.

Building LibMISB

You can run the following commands:

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

Specify meson --prefix $INSTALL_PATH build, if you want the build to be configured for installation in a directory other than /usr/local.

Installing the Binaries

Once the ninja -C build commands completes, you can install the generated binaries:

ninja -C builddir install

If you are trying to install to a system location you will need to run with sudo privileges.

sudo ninja -C builddir install