Getting started with TI Jacinto 7 Edge AI/Introduction/Build the Linux SDK

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Getting the Linux SDK

# Get the SDK installer
$ wget
# Give the SDK execution permissions
$ chmod +x ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-07_03_00_05-Linux-x86-Install.bin
# Execute the SDK installer
$ ./ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-07_03_00_05-Linux-x86-Install.bin

Follow the SDK installer instructions, and at the "Choose Destination Location", add the directory with the SDK name at the current directory:

# ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-07_03_00_05-linux
# Get into the SDK workspace and run the setup script
$ cd ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-07_03_00_05-linux/
$ ./

Flash the SD card


  • Inserted SD card into the PC
# Detect the SD card device on your computer: Plug in and plug out the SD card with this command running
$ watch ls /dev/*
# Select the SD device, and flash
$ SD_DEVICE=/dev/mmcblk0
$ sudo bin/ --device $SD_DEVICE --sdk .