RidgeRun and Arducam NVIDIA Jetson Demo - Executing the demo - Environment setup
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Environment setup
1. Proceed to install RidgeRun's GstD and GstInterpipe on the Jetson Orin NX
2. Proceed to install pygstc
3. Clone the Ridgerun Arducam imx708 Jetson Collaboration demo repository to a suitable path in your working station.
git clone git@github.com:RidgeRun/arducam-imx708-nvidia-jetson-demo.git
4. Copy the files to the docker container
sudo docker cp -a arducam-imx708-nvidia-jetson-demo demo_rr:/
Demo Directory Layout
The arducam-imx708-nvidia-jetson-demo directory has the following structure:
arducam-imx708-nvidia-jetson-demo/ ├── deepstream-models │ ├── dstest1_pgie_config.txt │ ├── libnvds_nvmultiobjecttracker.so │ └── Primary_Detector │ ├── cal_trt.bin │ ├── labels.txt │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel_b1_fp16.engine │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel_b2_gpu0_int8.engine │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel_b30_fp16.engine │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel_b4_fp16.engine │ ├── resnet10.caffemodel_b4_gpu0_fp16.engine │ └── resnet10.prototxt ├── python-example │ └── media-server.py └── README.md
- deepstream-models: Required by the DeepStream processing block in the media server.
- python-example: Contains the python-based media server demo scripts.