NVIDIA GPU Optimisation Tool CUDA Memcheck
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CUDA Memcheck
For debugging most of the issues, you can use cudamemcheck
. You can refer to the CUDA-MEMCHECK NVIDIA documentation. The tool allows the developer to identify:
- memory access errors and memory leaks (memcheck)
- shared memory data access hazards (racecheck): remember that shared memory is "multi-threaded"
- uninitialised device global memory access (initcheck)
- thread synchronisation hazards (synccheck)
The usage is pretty simple:
cuda-memcheck [memcheck_options] app_name [app_options]
where some of the memcheck_options
- --show-backtrace
- --track-unused-memory
- --tool: memcheck (default), racecheck, initcheck, synccheck
- --report-api-errors
- --check-api-memory-access
- --print-level
- --save
It is better to read them from --help option.
So, what are they for in our optimisation?
Simple: it is better to have identified issues previously you touch the code. Thus, you won't doubt yourself.