NVIDIA VPI GStreamer Plug-in - Getting Started - Evaluating GstVPI

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Requesting the Evaluation Binary

RidgeRun can provide you with an evaluation binary of the VPI Gstreamer plug-in to help you test it, in order to request an evaluation binary for a specific architecture, please contact us providing the following information:

  • Platform (i.e.: NVIDIA Jetson TX1/TX2, Xavier, Nano.)
  • Jetpack version
  • Input resolutions and frame rates
  • Expected output resolution and frame rate
  • Latency requirements

Features of the Evaluation

To help you test our VPI Gstreamer plug-in, RidgeRun can provide an evaluation version of the plug-in.

The following table summarizes the features available in both the professional and evaluation version of the element.

Feature Professional Evaluation
Gaussian Filter Element Y Y
Undistort Element Y Y
Harris Keypoint Detector Element Y Y
KLT Tracker Element Y Y
Overlay Element Y Y
Videoconvert Element Y Y
Convolution Element Y Y
Separable Convolution Element Y Y
KLT Tracker Example Y Y
Unlimited Processing Time Y N (1)
Source Code Y N
Table 1. Features provided in the evaluation version

(1) The evaluation version will limit the processing to a maximum of 9000 frames.

Evaluating the plug-in


First, make sure the dependencies are fulfilled:

sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \

Eval Binary Installation

To use the binary provided by RidgeRun, export the location of the evaluation binary in your environment.

export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=${GST_PLUGIN_PATH}:/path/to/evaluation/binary/

where /path/to/evaluation/binary is the location in your file system where you have the binary provided by RidgeRun.

Additionally, you may just copy the binary into the standard GStreamer plug-in search path.

Eval Binary Testing

Finally, test that the plugin is being properly picked up by GStreamer by running:

gst-inspect-1.0 vpi

with expected output:

Plugin Details:
  Name                     vpi
  Description              GStreamer plugin for the NVIDIA VPI framework
  Filename                 /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstvpi.so
  Version                  0.1.1
  License                  Proprietary
  Source module            gst-vpi
  Binary package           gst-vpi
  Origin URL               Unknown package origin

  vpiwarp: VPI Warp
  vpivideoscale: VPI Video Scale
  vpivideoconvert: VPI Video Convert
  vpiupload: VPI Upload
  vpiundistort: VPI Undistort
  vpiseparableconvolution: VPI Separable Convolution
  vpioverlay: VPI Algorithms Overlay
  vpiklttracker: VPI KLT Tacker
  vpiharrisdetector: VPI Harris Corner Detector
  vpigaussianfilter: VPI Gaussian Filter
  vpidownload: VPI Download
  vpiconvolution: VPI Convolution
  vpiboxfilter: VPI Box Filter

  13 features:
  +-- 13 elements

And also run:

gst-inspect-1.0 | grep vpi

with expected output:

vpi:  vpiboxfilter: VPI Box Filter
vpi:  vpiconvolution: VPI Convolution
vpi:  vpidownload: VPI Download
vpi:  vpigaussianfilter: VPI Gaussian Filter
vpi:  vpiharrisdetector: VPI Harris Corner Detector
vpi:  vpiklttracker: VPI KLT Tacker
vpi:  vpioverlay: VPI Algorithms Overlay
vpi:  vpiseparableconvolution: VPI Separable Convolution
vpi:  vpiundistort: VPI Undistort
vpi:  vpiupload: VPI Upload
vpi:  vpivideoconvert: VPI Video Convert
vpi:  vpivideoscale: VPI Video Scale
vpi:  vpiwarp: VPI Warp

You should see the inspect output for the evaluation binary as shown above.

Example Pipelines

Please refer to the Examples page for reference pipelines.


The first level of debugging to troubleshoot a failing evaluation binary is to inspect GStreamer debug output.

GST_DEBUG=2 gst-launch-1.0

If the output doesn't help you figure out the problem, please contact support@ridgerun.com with the output of the GStreamer debug and any additional information you consider useful.

If the plug-in is not being recognized, please provide the output of the following command:

gst-inspect-1.0 vpi

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