NVIDIA VPI GStreamer Plug-in - Examples - KLT Tracker

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The vpiklttracker element applies the KLT Feature Tracker algorithm from the NVIDIA VPI library to a video stream and draws the tracking boxes over the stream.

Element properties

  • backend

Backend to use to execute VPI algorithms. Available Options:

cpu: CPU backend
cuda: CUDA backend
pva: PVA backend (Xavier only)
vic: VIC backend

Flags: readable, writable
Default: "cuda"

  • boxes

Nx4 matrix where N is the number of bounding boxes. Each bounding box (<x, y, w, h>) contains the x and y positions (x, y) of the box top left corner and the width and height (w, h) of the bounding box. The maximum of bounding boxes is 64, and the minimum and maximum size for each bounding box is 4x4 and 64x64 respectively. Usage example: '<<613,332,23,23>,<790,376,41,22>>'. Type: GstValueArray of GValues of type GstValueArray
Flags: readable, writable
Default: No boxes

  • max-scale

Scale changes larger than this will make KLT consider that tracking was lost. Must be positive.
Type: Double
Range: 0 - 1,797693e+308
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 0.2

  • max-trans

Translation changes larger than this will make KLT consider that tracking was lost. Must be positive.
Type: Double
Range: 0 - 1,797693e+308
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 0.2

  • threshold-kill

Threshold to consider template tracking was lost. Must be a value between 0 and 1 but the relationship between the other thresholds must be the following: 0 < kill <= update <= stop <= 1.
Type: Double
Range: 0.0001 - 1
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 0.6

  • threshold-stop

Threshold to stop estimating. Must be a value between 0 and 1 but the relationship between the other thresholds must be the following: 0 < kill <= update <= stop <= 1.
Type: Double
Range: 0.0001 - 1
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 1

  • threshold-update

Threshold for requiring template update. Must be a value between 0 and 1 but the relationship between the other thresholds must be the following: 0 < kill <= update <= stop <= 1.
Type: Double
Range: 0.0001 - 1
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 0.8

  • scaling-iterations

Number of inverse compositional iterations of scale estimations.
Type: Integer
Range: 0 - 2147483647
Flags: readable, writable
Default: 20

Element Actions

  • new-box

Appends a new bounding box to track on the fly. Parameters:
- x: top left corner X coordinate
- y: top left corner Y coordinate
- width: width of the bounding box in pixels
- height: height of the bounding box in pixels

KLT Tracker Example

The following example pipe will help you detect and draw bounding boxes in a video stream coming from a file. You may modify the properties values according to the information above. The video used in this pipeline is installed by default with the VPI samples.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/opt/nvidia/vpi/samples/assets/dashcam.mp4 ! decodebin ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw ! vpiupload ! vpiklttracker name=klt boxes="<<613,332,23,23>,<669,329,30,29>,<790,376,41,22>>" ! vpioverlay color=white ! vpidownload ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=I420' ! nvoverlaysink

Alternative display pipeline.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/opt/nvidia/vpi/samples/assets/dashcam.mp4 ! decodebin ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw ! vpiupload ! vpiklttracker name=klt boxes="<<613,332,23,23>,<669,329,30,29>,<790,376,41,22>>" ! vpioverlay color=white ! vpidownload ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=I420' ! nvvidconv ! autovideosink

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