GstCUDA - GstCUDA Add-Ons

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This page describes the GstCUDA Add-On.


RidgeRun offers Add-On for GstCUDA. Those consists of fully complete and ready to use elements that execute a specific CUDA algorithm that is integrated into the element code. Those Add-On elements are based on the GstCUDA framework, and clearly shows the potential of this framework being used to generate a final product.

Each add-on is sold separately. They are not included in the GstCUDA framework but require it to work. So, to acquire an add-on you must have purchased GstCUDA at least once.

Over time, more Add-Ons will be added. If you are interested in a new different Add-On, that isn't provided yet, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ad-ons Index

The following index gives a detailed description of the GstCUDA Add-On.

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