Coral from Google - Camera Drivers - How to flash Google Coral

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To flash you need to download the image of the Coral Dev and Balena Etcher, connect the USB with the SD and use balena to flash the SD card, take out the SD card, and introduce it into the Google coral carrier.

To flash the Google coral, set the switches in the sequence on off on on, connect the power supply and wait for the red led to turn on and then off.

After the light turns off, disconnect the power supply and sdcard, set the switches to on off off off, and reconnect the power supply, this will allow the carrier to boot using the internal memory. After this first boot, connect the Ethernet cable to the same network that your computer is on.

Switches to boot from internal memory.

Now you need to install the dependencies to connect to the board

pip install --user mendel-development-tool
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Connect to the board, and use the following command to see if the board is being detected:

mdt devices

To connect to the board use the following command

mdt shell

You should see that the user has changed, and now you should be connected. If you get an ssh error, check that the connection is working, check that the Ethernet connector is blinking, and try connecting the other USB-C to your computer.

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