NVIDIA VPI GStreamer Plug-in - Getting Started - Evaluating GstVPI

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Requesting the Evaluation Binary

RidgeRun can provide you with an evaluation binary of the VPI Gstreamer plug-in to help you test it, in order to request an evaluation binary for a specific architecture, please contact us providing the following information:

  • Platform (i.e.: NVIDIA Jetson TX1/TX2, Xavier, Nano.)
  • Jetpack version
  • Input resolutions and frame rates
  • Expected output resolution and frame rate
  • Latency requirements

Features of the Evaluation

To help you test our VPI Gstreamer plug-in, RidgeRun can provide an evaluation version of the plug-in.

The following table summarizes the features available in both the professional and evaluation version of the element.

Feature Professional Evaluation
Gaussian Filter Element Y Y
Undistort Element Y Y
Harris Keypoint Detector Element Y Y
KLT Tracker Element Y Y
Overlay Element Y Y
Videoconvert Element Y Y
Convolution Element Y Y
Separable Convolution Element Y Y
KLT Tracker Example Y Y
Unlimited Processing Time Y N (1)
Source Code Y N
Table 1. Features provided in the evaluation version

(1) The evaluation version will limit the processing to a maximum of 1800 frames.

Evaluating the plug-in

First, make sure the dependencies are fulfilled:

sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \

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