ONVIF device server - Implemented requests
Make sure you also check ONVIF device server's companion project: Onvif Device Reference Design |
ONVIF device server |
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Device Service
Request | What it does |
GetDeviceInformation | Returns the device information set by the programmer,<be> for example, manufacturer and firmware version. |
GetCapabilities | What capabilities/features the device supports, these can be set by <be> the programmer. |
GetServices | What services the server supports, currently only media and device are supported. |
SystemReboot | Reboots the system, the reboot sequence can be set by the programmer. |
GetServiceCapabilities | Gets the capabilities of the different services, these can be set by the programmer. |
GetUsers | Gets the data from the different available users. |
CreateUsers | Creates users, if a user of the list fails to be added none of the profiles are created. |
DeleteUsers | Removes users, if a user fails to be removed, no user is removed. |
SetUser | Modifies the information of an user. |
GetSystemDayAndTime | Gets the device time and date, how to get the date can be set by the programmer. |
GetNetworkInterfaces | Gets the network interfaces information, how the interfaces are managed is set by the programmers. |
SetNetworkInterfaces | Allows to modify the network interfaces configurations, how they are modified is set by the programmer. |
Media Service
Request | What it does |
GetProfile | Gets a profile information with the respective token, this information contains the data of the video configurations related to the profile. |
GetProfiles | Gets the profiles information with the respective token, this information contains the data of the video configurations related to the profile. |
GetVideoSources | Gets the list of available physical video sources and their information. |
GetVideoSourceConfigurations | Gets the list of video source configurations, containing all the information pertaining to it, including the video source that the configuration uses. |
RemoveVideoSourceConfiguration | Removes a video source configuration from a profile using the profile token. If the profile or configuration doesn't exist an error message is returned. |
AddVideoSourceConfiguration | Adds a video source configuration to a profile, if the profile or configuration doesn't exist an error message is returned, if the profile already has a configuration, it is replaced by the new one. |
SetVideoSourceConfiguration | Modifies a video source configuration data, this updates all the profiles that contain the configuration. |
CreateProfile | Creates a new multimedia profile, if the token already exists an error message is returned. |
DeleteProfile | Deletes a multimedia profile if it is not fixed, if it is or it doesn't exist an error message is returned. |
GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstances | Gets the available number of video encoder instances, these can be set by the programmer. |
AddVideoEncoderConfiguration | Adds a video encoder configuration to a profile, if the profile or configuration doesn't exist an error message is returned, if the profile already has a configuration, it is replaced by the new one. |
SetVideoEncoderConfiguration | Modifies a video encoder configuration data, this updates all the profiles that contain the configuration. |
GetVideoEncoderConfiguration | Gets the list of video encoder configurations, containing all the information pertaining to it, including the video source that the configuration uses. |
GetVideoEncoderConfigurations | Gets the list of video encoder configurations, containing all the information pertaining to it, including the video encoder that the configuration uses. |
GetStreamUri | Gets the stream URI for a certain profile. |
RemoveVideoEncoderConfiguration | Removes a video encoder configuration from a profile using the profile token. If the profile or configuration doesn't exist an error message is returned. |
GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions | Gets all the video encoder options available, these options are set by the programmer using the library. |