Metropolis Microservices NVStreamer Tools
As part of the Microservices release, NVIDIA provides a helpfull tool to generate rtsp streams to test without the need of IP capable cameras. All only by installing it and uploading a test file to it.
1. Obtain the files from the developer preview, follow this link
2. Then copy the file and decompress it on the Jetson.
3. Increase stream limits on the device:
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2000000
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2000000
4. Go to the decompressed files
5. Start the NVStreamer service
sudo docker compose -f compose_nvstreamer.yaml up -d --force-recreate
6. After the launch is completed, the NVStreamer UI can be accessed on the URL: http://[JETSON-IP]:31000
You will be greated by the following UI:
Adding a test stream
We can add a file to get a sample RTSP stream. To do so first go to the main NVStreamer dashboard, and click the File Upload tab:
Then just drop a video file on the file box and NVStreamer will take it and copy it to the Streamer device and start streaming.
The URL is on the RTSP URLs section:
Linux x86 setup
You can also setup NVStreamer on a Linnux host x86 machine. The process is very similar to the previous one. The setup can be done on a machine with or without GPU:
sudo docker run -e ADAPTOR=streamer -d --restart always --gpus all -v {local video file path}:/home/vst/vst_release/streamer_videos/ -v {nvstream config file path}:/home/vst/vst_release/updated_configs/ --net=host --vstConfigFile /home/vst/vst_release/updated_configs/nvstreamer_config.json
- Non GPU
sudo docker run -e ADAPTOR=streamer -d --restart always -v {local video file path}:/home/vst/vst_release/streamer_videos/ -v {nvstream config file path}:/home/vst/vst_release/updated_configs/ --net=host --vstConfigFile /home/vst/vst_release/updated_configs/nvstreamer_config.json
Make sure to replace both {nvstream config file path} and {local video file path} according to your setup. And change permissions on the target host folder like:
sudo chmod 777 {local video file path}