GstKinesisWebRTC Signals
GstKinesisWebRTC Amazon Kinesis WebRTC GStreamer Plugin |
Context Overview |
GstKinesisWebrtc Description |
Evaluating GstKinesisWebRTC |
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- peer-connected: triggered when a new peer connection is established.
void peer_connected (GstElement* object, gchar* peer_id, gpointer user_data);
- peer-disconnected: triggered when a peer disconnects.
void user_function (GstElement* object, gchar * peer_id, gpointer user_data);
- access-key: triggered during the element execution start to get the AWS access key ID, if not provided for the other means. You must return the string containing your access key.
gchararray user_function (GstElement* object, gpointer user_data);
- secret-key: triggered during the element execution start to get the AWS secret key, if not provided for the other means. You must return the string containing your secret key.
gchararray user_function (GstElement* object, gpointer user_data);