GstInterpipe - Interpipesrc Detailed Description

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Interpipesink Detailed Description


Simple Examples

This page contains a detailed description of the interpipesrc element.

The "gst-inspect-1.0 interpipesrc" output is as follows:

Factory Details:
  Rank                     none (0)
  Long-name                Inter pipeline source
  Klass                    Generic/Source
  Description              Source for internal pipeline buffers communication
  Author                   Michael Grüner <>

Plugin Details:
  Name                     interpipe
  Description              Elements to communicate buffers across pipelines
  Filename                 /opt/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
  License                  Proprietary
  Source module            gst-interpipe
  Binary package           GstInterpipe
  Origin URL     


Implemented Interfaces:

Pad Templates:
  SRC template: 'src'
    Availability: Always

Element Flags:
  no flags set

Element Implementation:
  Has change_state() function: gst_base_src_change_state

Element has no clocking capabilities.

URI handling capabilities:
  Element can act as source.
  Supported URI protocols:

  SRC: 'src'
    Pad Template: 'src'

Element Properties:
  name                : The name of the object
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: "interpipesrc0"
  parent              : The parent of the object
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Object of type "GstObject"
  blocksize           : Size in bytes to read per buffer (-1 = default)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 4096
  num-buffers         : Number of buffers to output before sending EOS (-1 = unlimited)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1
  typefind            : Run typefind before negotiating
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: false
  do-timestamp        : Apply current stream time to buffers
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: false
  caps                : The allowed caps for the src pad
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Caps (NULL)
  size                : The size of the data stream in bytes (-1 if unknown)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer64. Range: -1 - 9223372036854775807 Default: -1
  stream-type         : the type of the stream
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "GstAppStreamType" Default: 0, "stream"
                           (0): stream           - GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_STREAM
                           (1): seekable         - GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_SEEKABLE
                           (2): random-access    - GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_RANDOM_ACCESS
  max-bytes           : The maximum number of bytes to queue internally (0 = unlimited)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 - 18446744073709551615 Default: 200000
  format              : The format of the segment events and seek
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "GstFormat" Default: 2, "bytes"
                           (0): undefined        - GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED
                           (1): default          - GST_FORMAT_DEFAULT
                           (2): bytes            - GST_FORMAT_BYTES
                           (3): time             - GST_FORMAT_TIME
                           (4): buffers          - GST_FORMAT_BUFFERS
                           (5): percent          - GST_FORMAT_PERCENT
  block               : Block push-buffer when max-bytes are queued
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: false
  is-live             : Whether to act as a live source
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: false
  min-latency         : The minimum latency (-1 = default)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer64. Range: -1 - 9223372036854775807 Default: -1
  max-latency         : The maximum latency (-1 = unlimited)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer64. Range: -1 - 9223372036854775807 Default: -1
  emit-signals        : Emit need-data, enough-data and seek-data signals
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: false
  min-percent         : Emit need-data when queued bytes drops below this percent of max-bytes
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 100 Default: 0
  current-level-bytes : The number of currently queued bytes
                        flags: readable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 - 18446744073709551615 Default: 0
  listen-to           : The name of the node to listen to.
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null
  block-switch        : Disable the ability to swich between nodes.
                        flags: writable
                        Boolean. Default: false Write only
  allow-renegotiation : Allow the caps renegotiation with an interpipesink with different caps only if the allow-renegotiation property is set to true
                        flags: writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Write only
  enable-sync         : Perform buffer timestamp compensation to have equivalent relative buffer times in the different pipelines
                        flags: writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Write only
  accept-events       : Accept the events received from the interpipesink
                        flags: writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Write only
  accept-eos-event    : Accept the EOS event received from the interpipesink only if it is set to true
                        flags: writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Write only

Element Signals:
  "need-data" :  void user_function (GstElement* object,
                                     guint arg0,
                                     gpointer user_data);
  "enough-data" :  void user_function (GstElement* object,
                                       gpointer user_data);
  "seek-data" :  gboolean user_function (GstElement* object,
                                         guint64 arg0,
                                         gpointer user_data);

Element Actions:
  "push-buffer" :  GstFlowReturn user_function (GstElement* object,
                                                GstBuffer* arg0);
  "push-sample" :  GstFlowReturn user_function (GstElement* object,
                                                GstSample* arg0);
  "end-of-stream" :  GstFlowReturn user_function (GstElement* object);

Interpipesink Detailed Description


Simple Examples