GstKinesisWebRTC: Getting Started - AWS Setup

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AWS Account

For RidgeRun engineers only, use the AWS credentials documented here.

Since the element uses the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC, before you can use the element you need to set up an AWS account and get AWS security credentials. You will need the credentials to connect to the WebRTC signaling server. If you already have an account and credentials you can skip this step, otherwise please check the following AWS documentation to set it up.

Signaling Channel

You can use the Kinesis Video Streams console to manage and create your signaling channels prior to using the kinesiswebrtcbin.. However, if the configured signaling channel doesn’t exist when the kinesiswebrtcbin start it will create the required channel for you.

To setup the signaling channel from the AWS Management Console, follows the next steps:

1. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Kinesis Video Streams service (you can use the search box to find it):

Figure 1. AWS console, Kinesis Video Streams service

2. Select Signaling channels from the panel on the left of the screen

Figure 2. Signaling channels window

3. Verify that you are in the right/desired region from the top right corner of the console. The channel will be created in the selected region.

Figure 3. AWS region selection

4. Select the top-right orange button Create signaling channel and you will get a setup window (see figure below). Set the desired channel name and choose the bottom-right orange button Create a signaling channel to confirm the channel creation.

Figure 4. AWS creates a new signaling channel

5. You are ready, now you have a new signaling channel

Figure 5. AWS signaling channel information

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