LibMISB - LibMISB Introduction - What does the library do

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This library aims to make it easier for users to manipulate the encoding and decoding of metadata following MISB standards. It allows configuring the type of file to be used. Also, the library was designed to be flexible and modular when adding or manipulating MISB standards, allowing the possibility to implement a custom standard if the customer requires it.

The following package diagram shows the general structure of the library:

LibMISB Package diagram
DESTDIR=/{PATH_TO_EVALUATION_BINARY}/ ninja -C builddir install

That will generate the binary files inside {PATH_TO_EVALUATION_BINARY}. (Important: delete that ./usr/share directory)

The package that you will send to the client must looks like:

└── usr
    ├── bin
    │   ├── misb-converter
    │   └── misb_ST0601_sample.json
    ├── include
    │   └── libmisb-0.0
    │       └── libmisb
    │           ├── eval.hpp
    │           ├── formatter
    │           │   ├── iformatter.hpp
    │           │   └── jsonformatter.hpp
    │           ├── libmisb.hpp
    │           ├── logger.hpp
    │           └── metadata.hpp
    └── lib
        └── aarch64-linux-gnu
            ├── ->
            ├── ->
            ├── ->
            ├── ->
            └── pkgconfig
                └── misb-0.0.pc

If you want to test it, follow:

Project Structure

Package diagram

This package diagram should help you to know where you can put new standards and where are the tools you can use.

LibMISB Package diagram

Package name Objective
codec Stores what is needed to encode and decode metadata
decoder Contains the logic necessary to decode metadata.
coder Contains the logic necessary to encode metadata.
standards Stores the MISB standards implemented by the developer
with their respective specifications and limitations.
misb0601 Contains the structure that stores the UAS Datalink LS elements
of the MISB 0601 standard.
common Stores tools in common that can be used to modify or create MISB
st_utils Contains structures and tools for creating MISB standards.
klv_utils Contains structures and tools for KLV handling.
formatter Stores the types of formatting that the library can perform by parsing
the metadata inserted by the user.
json_formatter Contains the logic for reading metadata from a JSON file.
misb Contains the logic and connection of the user's incoming data
and of the use of the library in general. It is the package where the
user's api is located.

Standards supported

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