Metropolis Microservices/RidgeRun Services/Analytics: Difference between revisions

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{{Metropolis Microservices/Head|previous=RidgeRun Services/AI Agent|next=RidgeRun Microservices Demo|metakeywords=Metropolis|title=RidgeRun Analytics Microservice|metadescription=This page provides a general overview of the Analytics RidgeRun Service}}
{{Metropolis Microservices/Head
|previous= Services/AI Agent
|next= Microservices Demo
|title=RidgeRun Analytics Microservice
|metadescription=This page provides a general overview of the Analytics RidgeRun Service

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As you can see the service interacts with 4 other services NVIDIA's VST service, NVIDIA's REDIS service, RidgeRun's Detection service and RidgeRun's PTZ service.
As you can see the service interacts with 4 other services NVIDIA's VST service, NVIDIA's REDIS service, RidgeRun's Detection service and RidgeRun's PTZ service.

[[File:aiagent_microservice.png|600px|center|thumb| Ridgerun's AI Agent Microservice General Idea]]
[[File:analytics_microservice.png|600px|center|thumb| Ridgerun's Analytics Microservice General Idea]]

By default all the actions are disabled, you need to enable them through a configuration file or through the server API.
By default all the actions are disabled, you need to enable them through a configuration file or the server API.

In both cases the configuration is defined in JSON format as follows:
In both cases the configuration is defined in JSON format as follows:
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As you can see the configuration allows you to enable/disable each of the available actions and configure the URI of the corresponding microservice.
As you can see the configuration allows you to enable/disable each of the available actions and configure the URI of the corresponding microservice.

Also you can define a time threshold, it has a different meaning for record and move actions. For record, this time defines the elapsed time between recordings, a new recording request will be send until this threshold time is over. For move this time indicates the time to restart the PTZ position, if an event doesn't occur during the threshold time, the position will be restarted to 0 and zoom 1 when the time is over.
Also, you can define a time threshold, it has a different meaning for record and move actions. For record, this time defines the elapsed time between recordings, a new recording request will be sent until this threshold time is over. For move this time indicates the time to restart the PTZ position, if an event doesn't occur during the threshold time, the position will be restarted to 0 and zoom 1 when the time is over.

{{Colored box|background-content-color=#EDF1F7|background-title-color=#6586B9|title-color=#FFFFFF|title='''TL;DR'''|icon=notice-icon-white.png
You can run this microservice with the following command:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
docker run --runtime nvidia -it --network host --volume /home/nvidia/analytics-configs/:/configs --name analytics-service  ridgerun/analytics-service:latest analytics --host --config-file /configs/analytics.json
This will run Analytics in port 5040
{{Colored box|background-content-color=#F0FBFF|background-title-color=#0086B9|title-color=#FFFFFF|title='''Service Documentation'''|icon=notice-icon-white.png
* [ Service Documentation]
* [ Api Documentation]
See [[Metropolis Microservices/Tools/API Usage|API Usage]] for an example of how to use the API documentation to control the service

== Running the Service ==
== Running the Service ==
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Also requires RidgeRun's Detection and PTZ Services, run them before enabled actions, check the corresponding sections on this wiki to learn how.
It also requires RidgeRun's [[Metropolis Microservices/RidgeRun Services/Detection|Detection]] and [[Metropolis Microservices/RidgeRun Services/PTZ|PTZ]] Services, run them before enabled actions, check the corresponding sections on this wiki to learn how.

=== Using Docker ===
=== Using Docker ===
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You can build the analytics microservice image using the Dockerfile in the docker directory.  First we need to prepare the context directory for this build, you need to create a directory and include this repository and the rrms-utils project. The Dockerfile will look for both packages in the context directory and copy them to the container.
You can build the analytics microservice image using the Dockerfile in the docker directory.  First we need to prepare the context directory for this build, you need to create a directory and include this repository and the rrms-utils project. The Dockerfile will look for both packages in the context directory and copy them to the container.

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkdir analytics-context
cd analytics-context
git clone
git clone
After this, your context directory should look like this:

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
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{{Metropolis Microservices/Foot|RidgeRun Services/AI Agent|RidgeRun Microservices Demo}}
{{Metropolis Microservices/Foot
|previous= Services/AI Agent
|next= Microservices Demo

Latest revision as of 20:12, 9 August 2024

RidgeRun's Analytics Microservice is capable of receiving events through REDIS, specifically detection metadata, and execute actions when the event occurs. Currently the service supports two actions:

  • Move the camera to the detected object position in PTZ microservice
  • Start a event recording in VST microservice.

As you can see the service interacts with 4 other services NVIDIA's VST service, NVIDIA's REDIS service, RidgeRun's Detection service and RidgeRun's PTZ service.

Ridgerun's Analytics Microservice General Idea

By default all the actions are disabled, you need to enable them through a configuration file or the server API.

In both cases the configuration is defined in JSON format as follows:

  "move_camera": {
    "enable": 1,
    "port": 5030,
    "ip": "",
    "time_threshold": 10
  "record": {
    "enable": 0,
    "port": 81,
    "ip": "", 
    "time_threshold": 10

As you can see the configuration allows you to enable/disable each of the available actions and configure the URI of the corresponding microservice.

Also, you can define a time threshold, it has a different meaning for record and move actions. For record, this time defines the elapsed time between recordings, a new recording request will be sent until this threshold time is over. For move this time indicates the time to restart the PTZ position, if an event doesn't occur during the threshold time, the position will be restarted to 0 and zoom 1 when the time is over.


You can run this microservice with the following command:

docker run --runtime nvidia -it --network host --volume /home/nvidia/analytics-configs/:/configs --name analytics-service  ridgerun/analytics-service:latest analytics --host --config-file /configs/analytics.json
This will run Analytics in port 5040
Service Documentation

See API Usage for an example of how to use the API documentation to control the service

Running the Service

Launch Services

This microservice requires of NVIDIA's VST and Redis Platform Services. Use systemctl to launch each of the services.

  • Redis:
sudo systemctl start jetson-redis
  • VST:
sudo systemctl start jetson-vst

It also requires RidgeRun's Detection and PTZ Services, run them before enabled actions, check the corresponding sections on this wiki to learn how.

Using Docker

You can obtain or build a docker image for the detection microservice, check below the method of your preference. The image include a base L4T image and the dependencies to run the analytics microservice application. The image was developed and tested for NVIDIA JetPack 6.0. Once you get your image with either method proceed to Launch the container

Pre-build Image

You can obtain a pre-build image of the analytics service from Docker Hub:

docker pull ridgerun/analytics-service

Build Image

You can build the analytics microservice image using the Dockerfile in the docker directory. First we need to prepare the context directory for this build, you need to create a directory and include this repository and the rrms-utils project. The Dockerfile will look for both packages in the context directory and copy them to the container.

mkdir analytics-context
cd analytics-context
git clone
git clone

After this, your context directory should look like this:

├── analytics
└── rrms-utils

Then build the container image with the following command:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --network=host --tag ridgerun/analytics-service --file analytics-context/analytics/docker/Dockerfile analytics-context/

Change analytics-context/ to your context's path and the tag to the name you want to give to the image.

Launch the container

You can ensure the image has been created successfully by running

docker images

You should get an entry showing the ridgerun/analytics-service image

nvidia@ubuntu:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                    IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
ridgerun/analytics-service                  latest                 234ec6ac1fd3   42 hours ago   1.19GB

The container can be launched by running the following command:

docker run --runtime nvidia -it --network host --volume /home/nvidia/analytics-configs/:/configs --name analytics-service  ridgerun/analytics-service:latest analytics --host --config-file /configs/analytics.json

Here we are creating a container called analytics-service that will start the analytics application (check Using Standalone Application), launching the server allowing access to any IP available in the device in port 5040. Also provides a configuration file through the configs volume.

You can verify the container is running with:

docker ps

You should see an entry with the detection-service container:

nvidia@ubuntu:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                            COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
f75125479840           "sh -c '/root/vst_re…"   14 minutes ago   Up 14 minutes             vst
00e36eebeb34   "sh -c '/ 2>…"   15 minutes ago   Up 15 minutes             ingress
0b316b01160b   redisfab/redistimeseries:master-arm64v8-jammy    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   15 minutes ago   Up 15 minutes             redis
6d3de9e48fc9   ridgerun/ai-agent-service                        "ai-agent --system_p…"   24 hours ago     Up 16 minutes             agent-service
e339561ada13   ridgerun/ptz-service                             "ptz --host 127.0.0.…"   24 hours ago     Up 8 minutes              ptz-service
a488ddbdd71b   ridgerun/analytics-service                       "analytics --config-…"   24 hours ago     Up 14 minutes             analytics-service
529b11d69113   ridgerun/detection-service                       "detection --horizon…"   24 hours ago     Up 14 minutes             detection-service

Using Standalone Application

The project is configured (via and install the service application called analytics. Just need to run:

pip install .

Then you will have the service with the following options:

usage: analytics [-h] [--port PORT] [--host HOST] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT           Port for server
  --host HOST           Server ip address
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Configuration JSON file

To start the service in address and port 5040 just run:


If you want to serve in a different port or address, use the --port and --host options.

Remember that analytics by default doesn't execute any action, it will receive the redis event and discard it, but you can enable the actions using the --config-file argument point to a JSON configuration file.

Analytics in Action

Due to the nature of the analytics functionality we cannot show how it works as standalone service, it requires the interaction with the other services, so the video below shows its interaction with VST, PTZ and Detection services. In display we have the video feed used in the detection at the top-left corner, PTZ output at the bottom-left corner and at the right side a browser with a tab of swagger for analytics API request and a tab of VST web page. The detection service is detecting guitars.

Example of RidgeRun's Analytics Microservice functionality
Example of RidgeRun's Analytics Microservice functionality

First we request for the current analytics configuration, where we can see both record and move actions are disabled. So even if a guitar appears in the video feed the PTZ stream doesn't move or zoom. Also we verify there is no current recording in the VST records. Then we enable both actions through a configuration request. As soon a guitar appears in the feed, the PTZ moves to the guitar locations and zoom in, after 10 seconds the position returns to 0,0 and zoom out. We also verify that now we have a recording with a man walking with a guitar. We wait for a second loop of the video, the ptz moves to the guitar and we verify that now we have two recording of the man with the guitar.