Yocto Support for NVIDIA Jetson Platforms - Adding NVIDIA Packages
Yocto Support for NVIDIA®Jetson™ |
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Adding NVIDIA Packages |
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![]() | Note: Latest releases such as L4T-32.6.1 do not require NVIDIA SDK Manager to download packages. |
Some packages outside the L4T (Linux For Tegra) BSP can only be downloaded with an NVIDIA Developer Network login, for example, the CUDA host-side tools. To use any packages that require a Devnet login, create a Devnet account, and download the JetPack packages needed for the builds using NVIDIA SDK Manager.
You need to download the NVIDIA SDK Manager, and follow these instructions:
- Register and login with the NVIDIA Developer account.
- Select the target machine and click the Continue button.
- Select the packages you need, set the Download folder to /home/<USER>/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads, accept the terms, click the Download now checkbox and press Continue.
![]() | Note: Replace <USER> with your username. |
The packages will be stored in the specified directory.
1. Login
2. Select the target machine
3. Select packages
If you need to include TensorRT in your builds, you must create the subdirectory and copy all of the TensorRT packages downloaded by the SDK Manager there.
mkdir -p /home/$USER/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/NoDLA cp /home/$USER/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/libnv* /home/$USER/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/NoDLA
Set the variable NVIDIA_DEVNET_MIRROR to download dir in your build configuration (local.conf) to make them available to your bitbake builds. This can be the NVIDIA SDK Manager downloads directory.
Some packages needed to compile CUDA and other dependencies are not compatible with the latest GCC (>=9.x) therefore it is needed to set up an older version (8.x).
1. Add the contrib layer of meta tegra to bblayers.conf
- Run below commands at the terminal
cd $YOCTO_DIR/build bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-tegra/contrib/
2. Add the support for GCC 8
In $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf file add the following line:
#Cuda support for gcc GCCVERSION = "8.%"
3. Add cuda samples package
This package will install all the needed dependencies in the yocto image. Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " cuda-samples"
![]() | Note: the %d above will be replaced by sequential numbers starting from 0. |
bitbake-layers show-recipes "*cuda*"
2. Add compilation tools
Include the extra compilation tools, such as gcc in the yocto image. Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += " tools-sdk"
If you try to run the CUDA samples/programs with other user than root, you may face the following error:
jetson-tx2:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/0_Simple/simplePrintf$ make jetson-tx2:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/0_Simple/simplePrintf$ ./simplePrintf CUDA error at ../../common/inc/helper_cuda.h:708 code=38(cudaErrorNoDevice) "cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count)"
The problem is caused by the device NVIDIA files that have incorrect permissions (Check that the device files/dev/nvidia* exist and have the correct (0666) file permissions) as stated in this post and on the documentation.
1. Check that files exist
ls /dev/nv*
Which will produce the following output:
/dev/nvhdcp0 /dev/nvhost-ctrl-isp /dev/nvhost-dbg-gpu /dev/nvhost-nvcsi /dev/nvhost-sched-gpu /dev/nvhost-vi /dev/nvhost-as-gpu /dev/nvhost-ctrl-nvcsi /dev/nvhost-gpu /dev/nvhost-nvdec /dev/nvhost-tsec /dev/nvhost-vic /dev/nvhost-ctrl /dev/nvhost-ctrl-nvdec /dev/nvhost-isp /dev/nvhost-nvjpg /dev/nvhost-tsecb /dev/nvidiactl /dev/nvhost-ctrl-gpu /dev/nvhost-ctxsw-gpu /dev/nvhost-msenc /dev/nvhost-prof-gpu /dev/nvhost-tsg-gpu /dev/nvmap
2. Change the default permissions
With root user, or with sudo priviledges run the following command:
chmod 666 /dev/nv*
3. Execute the sample/program
jetson-tx2:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/0_Simple/simplePrintf$ make jetson-tx2:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/samples/0_Simple/simplePrintf$ ./simplePrintf GPU Device 0: "NVIDIA Tegra X2" with compute capability 6.2 Device 0: "NVIDIA Tegra X2" with Compute 6.2 capability printf() is called. Output:
1. Add cuDNN package.
This package will install all the needed dependencies in the Yocto image.
- Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " cudnn"
1. Add TensoRT package
This package will install all the needed dependencies in the Yocto image.
- Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " tensorrt"
NVIDIA GStreamer Plugins
1. Add nvvideo4linux2 package
This package will install all the needed dependencies in the Yocto image.
- Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvvideo4linux2"
Jetson Multimedia API
1. Add the Tegra Multimedia API package
This package will install all the needed dependencies in the Yocto image.
- Add the following line in: $YOCTO_DIR/build/conf/local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " tegra-mmapi tegra-mmapi-dev"