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For direct inquiries, please refer to the contact information available on our [https://www.ridgerun.com/contact '''Contact'''] page. Alternatively, you may complete and submit the form provided at the same link. We will respond to your request at our earliest opportunity.
{{ContactUs Button}}
Links to '''RidgeRun Resources''' and '''RidgeRun Artificial Intelligence Solutions''' can be found in the footer below.
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<span style="font-size:120%"> RidgeRun Resources </span>
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== {{Email Icon}} [https://www.ridgerun.com/contact <span style="color:blue"><u>'''Contact Us'''</u></span>] ==
| Visit our [https://www.ridgerun.com/ '''<u>Main Website</u>'''] for the [https://shop.ridgerun.com/collections/all '''<u>RidgeRun Products and Online Store</u>''']. RidgeRun Engineering information is available at [https://www.ridgerun.com/engineering-services  '''<u>RidgeRun Engineering Services</u>'''], [https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php/RidgeRun_Professional_Services  '''<u>RidgeRun Professional Services</u>'''],    [https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php/RidgeRun_Subscription_Model '''<u>RidgeRun Subscription Model</u>'''] and [https://www.ridgerun.com/process '''<u>Client Engagement Process</u>'''] wiki pages. Please email to [mailto:support@ridgerun.com '''<u>support@ridgerun.com</u>'''] for technical questions and [mailto:contactus@ridgerun.com '''<u>contactus@ridgerun.com</u>'''] for other queries. Contact details for sponsoring the RidgeRun [https://www.ridgerun.com/gstreamer '''<u>GStreamer</u>'''] projects are available in  '''<u>[[Sponsor Projects]]</u>''' page. || {{Template:RidgeRunlogo}}<br>{{ContactUs Button}}
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