Sony IMX264 Linux Driver
Sony IMX264LQR Features
The IMX264 is a CMOS image sensor with a 3.45um pixel and global shutter function for industrial applications. This small-sized 3.45um pixel realizes higher sensitivity and lower noise than the existing 5.86 um pixel products and achieves high picture quality, high resolution, and high-speed imaging without focal plane distortion. In addition, these new CMOS image sensors are equipped with a variety of functions such as a trigger mode that arbitrarily controls the storage time using an external trigger signal, ROI (region of interest) mode. (Taken from Sony's webpage).
Sony IMX264LLR/LQR, IMX265LLR/LQR Sensor Specifications!
Sony IMX264 Linux Driver Support
- NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX
IMX264 Linux Driver Features
Xavier NX |
Enabling the IMX264 Linux Driver
In order to use this driver, you have to patch and compile the kernel source using JetPack:
- Follow the instructions in Compiling_Jetson_Xavier_NX_source_code_L4T_32.4.3#Build_NVIDIA_Jetson_Xavier_NX_kernel_source_code Downloading sources to get the kernel source code.
- Once you have the source code, apply the following patch in order to add the changes required for the IMX264 camera at kernel and dtb level.
- Follow the instructions in Compiling_Jetson_Xavier_NX_source_code_L4T_32.4.3#Compile_Jetson_Xavier_NX_kernel_and_dtb_.28device_tree_blob.29 Build Kernel for building the kernel, and then flash the image.
Make sure to enable IMX264 driver support:
make menuconfig
-> Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> NVIDIA overlay Encoders, decoders, sensors and other helper chips -> <*> IMX264 camera sensor support
GStreamer Examples: Testing a IMX264 Linux Driver
Capture and Display
- 2656x2088@35fps
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=0 ! queue ! nvvidconv ! autovideosink
- 1920x1106@30fps
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=1 ! queue ! nvvidconv ! autovideosink
Capture and Stream
- 2656x2088@35fps
HOST=<Host ip> PORT1=<port1> gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=0 ! nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=10 ! udpsink host=$HOST port=$PORT1
And on the host side:
PORT1=<port1> gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=$PORT1 ! 'application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, encoding-name=(string)H264' ! queue ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink
- 1920x1106@30fps
HOST=<Host ip> PORT1=<port1> gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=1 ! nvvidconv ! nvv4l2h264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=10 ! udpsink host=$HOST port=$PORT1
And on the host side:
PORT1=<port1> gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=$PORT1 ! 'application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, encoding-name=(string)H264' ! queue ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink
Analog gain
Analog gain can range from 1 to 480.
v4l2-ctl -c gain=<value>
Exposure time is in us, with the minimum value being 52us for all-pixel mode and 43us for Full-HD mode. The maximum value is 36091 for all-pixel mode and 16105 for Full-HD mode. The command to set this value is:
v4l2-ctl -c exposure=<value>
Black level
This value is added to the analog gain. It ranges from 0 to 511. The command to use this control is:
v4l2-ctl -c black_level=<value>
Gain delay
This register determines if the changes are reflected on the current or next frame.
The command to use this is:
v4l2-ctl -c gain_delay=0
Which is the default or
v4l2-ctl -c gain_delay=1
ARM Load
For a simple pipeline like:
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=0 ! queue ! nvvidconv ! autovideosink
Tegrastats displays the following output when capturing with the sensor driver:
RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [31%@1190,27%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [35%@1190,28%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [32%@1190,30%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [31%@1190,31%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [33%@1190,29%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [32%@1190,27%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [32%@1190,28%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [31%@1190,25%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [31%@1190,25%@1190,off,off,off,off] RAM 1534/7771MB (lfb 1293x4MB) CPU [36%@1190,27%@1190,off,off,off,off]
Using the next pipeline we were able to measure the framerate for single capture with perf element:
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=0 ! perf ! fakesink
INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:08.024467133; bps: 193536.000; mean_bps: 193536.000; fps: 35.685; mean_fps: 35.685 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:09.032803056; bps: 282240.000; mean_bps: 237888.000; fps: 35.702; mean_fps: 35.694 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:10.048219125; bps: 290304.000; mean_bps: 255360.000; fps: 35.453; mean_fps: 35.614 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:11.052939940; bps: 290304.000; mean_bps: 264096.000; fps: 35.831; mean_fps: 35.668 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:12.066355695; bps: 290304.000; mean_bps: 269337.600; fps: 35.523; mean_fps: 35.639 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:13.068997375; bps: 282240.000; mean_bps: 271488.000; fps: 35.905; mean_fps: 35.683 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:01:14.080078073; bps: 290304.000; mean_bps: 274176.000; fps: 35.605; mean_fps: 35.672
The results show the framerate constant at 35FPS that use nvarguscamerasrc and passing frames through the ISP to convert from Bayer to YUV.
Similarly, for the pipeline:
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 sensor-mode=1 ! perf ! fakesink
we obtain:
INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:48.161150666; bps: 169344.000; mean_bps: 169344.000; fps: 30.150; mean_fps: 30.150 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:49.161479732; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 205632.000; fps: 29.990; mean_fps: 30.070 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:50.193516084; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 217728.000; fps: 30.038; mean_fps: 30.059 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:51.226902182; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 223776.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.044 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:52.260178724; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 227404.800; fps: 30.002; mean_fps: 30.036 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:53.260523866; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 229824.000; fps: 29.990; mean_fps: 30.028 INFO: perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:02:54.293488648; bps: 241920.000; mean_bps: 231552.000; fps: 30.011; mean_fps: 30.025
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