Setup GitHub commit diff emails server
GitHub commit notifications hook just got deprecated. This wiki explains how to set up a third-party server to send commit notifications with nice, colored diffs included.
Install the following dependencies:
- Git
- Python
- Mail Utils
- Sendmail
- RubyGems
- Sinatra (Ruby Gem)
- GitNotifier (Manual clone)
- GitDub (Manual clone)
In Debian based systems, it suffices to run:
sudo apt install git rubygems python mailutils sendmail sudo gem install sinatra #Change this to your desired location GIT_NOTIFIER=~/github/git-notifier git clone git:// $GIT_NOTIFIER #Change this to your desired location GITDUB=~/github/gitdub git clone $GITDUB
GitHub Setup
1. Create an ssh key for GitDub to download repos. Press enter (leave blank) when prompted for a password.
SSH_KEY=~/github/gitdub/gitdub.rsa ssh-keygen -f $SSH_KEY -C gitdub chmod 600 $SSH_KEY chmod 644 ${SSH_KEY}.pub
Two new files should've been created: gitdub.rsa and
2. Add the to a user with access to the repositories to be monitored.
3. Configure the webhook for your organization
Organization > Settings > Webhooks > Add Webhook
- Content Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Secret: (leave empty)
- Which event would you like to trigger this webhook?: Just the push
Note that if the server is running in an internal machine, you might need to forward these requests from your gateway to your machine.
Starting GitDub
Start GitDub as the following:
GIT_NOTIFIER=~/github/git-notifier GITDUB=~/github/gitdub SSH_KEY=$GITDUB/gitdub.rsa PATH=$PATH:$GIT_NOTIFIER GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i $SSH_KEY" $GITDUB/gitdub $GITDUB/config.yml
The following config.yml has been modified to monitor every repo in a GitHub organization. You may use it as a reference for yours.
gitdub: # The directory where gitdub keeps its per-repository state. ####### MODIFY ######### directory: /home/ridgerun/github/repositories # Bind to all addresses by default. bind: # The TCP port to listen on. port: 8888 # SSL options. Relative paths names have to be specified relative to the # above directory. ssl: enable: false # Enable debugging. This prints the contents of the HTTP POST body to STDERR. debug: false # Only process POST requests from the these IP addresses (optioanl). If empty # or not set, gitdub processes requests from all addresses. # # Github only. allowed_sources: [,,] # Flag that determines whether the first arriving data results in sending # emails. If false, gitdub sends out an email for every single commit since # the repository creation. If true, the first arriving data only marks all # existing commits as emailed without actually sending a notice. silent_init: true # The interval in seconds of how often to check the file for modifications. # If the modification time of the configuration file is new than the time it # was read last, gitdub re-reads all configuration values except for bind, # port, and ssl. monitor: 60 notifier: # The email sender. (Can be overriden for each repository.) ########## MODIFY ############## from: # The list of email receivers. (Can be overriden for each repository.) ########## MODIFY ############## to: [] # The email subject prefix. (Can be overriden for each repository.) subject: '[git][%r]' # This configuration users a valid gmail account to avoid emails going to spam mailserver: '' ########### MODIFY ############## mailserveruser: '' mailserverpassword: 'XXXXXXXX' # The github configuration. Each entry represents either a single repository or # all repositories for a given user/organization name. github: # A basic entry specifying settings for a single repository. #- id: mavam/gitdub # protocol: ssh # Allowed protocols: git (default), ssh, https # to: [] # subject: '[git/gitdub]' # Optional customization of repository URI displayed in email body. # uri: ssh:// # A wildcard entry that specifies settings for all repositories of a user or # organization. - id: .*/.* protocol: ssh