Data Plane Kit on Virtual Machine

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For scenarios where the hardware available does not include a compatible DPDK NIC (Network Interface Controller), a Virtual Machine can be used to simulate a system with a compatible one. This is useful to test DPDK features, even when a compatible NIC is not physically available. In this section we are going to look at how to setup a virtual machine that emulates a 64 bit Ubuntu System with a DPDK compatible NIC. We are going through a step by step tutorial to create the virtual machine. We will also show a DPDK sample application (Ethtool) that is able to query and change Ethernet card parameters on command line.

This feature allows DPDK to be used with unsupported NICs. However, it's important to note that since the standard Linux driver is employed, the low-latency benefits of DPDK may be limited.

Download Ubuntu ISO image

For this tutorial we are going to use Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Desktop version. Newer versions can be used in its desktop and server version. You can download Ubuntu ISO image from For this tutorial, the downloaded file's name is "ubuntu-20.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso". Save this file for steps 11 and 12 of the Create and configurate virtual machine segment.

Create and configurate virtual machine

1. First, install VirtualBox software. It can be downloaded on different systems. To do it on an Ubuntu system, you can run this command:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox 

2. After installing VirtualBox, open it and create a new virtual machine by clicking on "New":

VirtualBox initial screen
VirtualBox initial screen

2. Define the virtual machine's name, folder location, Operative system and OS architecture. In this example, the machine's name is "rdpk-vm", it is going to be saved at "/home/ridgerun/VirutalBox VMs" and is going to run a Linux 64-bit Ubuntu distribution. You can choose any location in your filesystem and the name of your preference.

Virtual machine's name, location and OS configuration screen

3. Select the RAM (Random Access Memoory) size. It is important to give at least the recommended size (Specified in this window), so the Virtual Machine runs properly. It is not recommended to give the whole available RAM size so the host computer keeps running normally.

VirtualBox RAM size configuration screen

4. Select the creation of a new virtual hard disk as shown below. This is going to create a file that will act as a hard disk for the virtual machine.

VirtualBox Hard Disk selection screen

5. Select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) as the hard disk file's type as shown below.

VirtualBox hard disk file type selection screen

6. Select Dynamically allocated size for the new virtual hard disk as shown below.

VirtualBox storage on physical hard disk selection screen

7. Define the hard disk file location, name and it's maximun size as shown below. The size will depend on your host computer's resources but for this example it is not required to have more than 30GB or even less.

VirtualBox hard disk file location and size selection screen

8. After this process is completed, a new virtual machine should be on VirtualBox's main screen as shown below. Click once on it and then click on settings.

VirtualBox main screen with the new virtual machine created

9. A window like the one below should pop up after clicking on settings. Click on "System" and then "Processor" and select at least half of the CPUs available on the bar. This is important because the DPDK sample application that will be run needs at least two CPUs on the Virtual machine so it can use one.

VirtualBox system's processor settings screen

10. Staying on the settings window, configure a network adapter for the virtual machine. The settings below show how to do it. It is important to mention that the adapter type is important because it needs to be compatible with DPDK. For this example, we chose "Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)", a DPDK-compatible NIC.

VirtualBox Network Inteface Controller configuration screen

11. After the NIC is configured, click on "OK" and save the settings. At the VirtualBox main screen, click once on the virtual machine and click on the green bottom start. A screen like the one below should come up. Click on the folder icon next to the "Empty" box to choose the iso image downloaded before (ubuntu-20.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso).

VirtualBox start-up disk selection screen

12. After selecting the iso image downloaded in the host filesystem, a screen like the one below should appear. Click on the iso image added and click on "choose" at the bottom left corner.

VirtualBox Optical Disk Selector screen

13. Follow the Ubuntu installation and configuration process that will show up after. As a tip, if the message "Please remove the installation medium, then press Enter." pops up, just click on the screen and hit the enter key. After the installation is done, a screen like the one below should be on the virtual machine.

Ubuntu Desktop screenshot

Installing DPDK Dependencies

The virtual machine is set. We can start the process to run the DPDK sample application, "Ethtool". First, start the DPDK installation by getting its dependencies. Open a terminal on the Virtual machine and run the following commands.

# Update repositories
sudo apt-get update

# Install compilers and interpreters
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip build-essential

# Install building system
sudo apt-get install ninja-build
pip3 install meson==0.53.2
sudo pip3 install meson==0.53.2

# Install tools
pip3 install pyelftools
sudo pip3 install pyelftools
sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev

Compiling DPDK

First, download DPDK from this link. For the case of this page, we are going to select the 23.11.1 LTS (Long Term Support) but newer or older versions could be used if available. It is possible to download 23.11.1 version it using the following command:


Then, uncompress the file and prepare the environment for compilation:

tar xf dpdk-23.11.1.tar.xz
cd dpdk-stable-23.11.1

Proceed with the compilation. By default, it is installed into /usr/local as prefix:

meson builddir -Dexamples=all
ninja -C builddir
sudo ninja -C builddir install

Binding the virtual machine's NIC to DPDK compatible driver

For testing the DPDK installation, first, load the UIO modules:

 sudo modprobe uio
 sudo modprobe uio_pci_generic

The UIO (Userspace IO) modules allow userspace applications to access hardware devices.

Then, it is possible to search if the device can be used for DPDK by listing it:

cd usertools
python3  ./ -s

It should give a similar output to the following:

Network devices using kernel driver

0000:00:03.0 '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller 100e' if=enp0s3 drv=e1000 unused=vfio-pci *Active*

No 'Baseband' devices detected

No 'Crypto' devices detected

No 'DMA' devices detected

No 'Eventdev' devices detected

No 'Mempool' devices detected

No 'Compress' devices detected

No 'Misc (rawdev)' devices detected

No 'Regex' devices detected

No 'ML' devices detected


The output above shows the Ethernet card: '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller 100e', which is, in this case, a laptop ethernet card.

After listing, it is possible to unbind the kernel from the Ethernet card:

sudo ifconfig $NIC down

where NIC=enp2s0 is the network interface, obtained by using ip addr command. The command from above releases the interface.

Then, bind it to DPDK:

sudo python3 ./ --bind=uio_pci_generic ${PCIE_ID}

where PCIE_ID=0000:00:03.0 is obtained using the python3 -s command (shown above).

To check the binding, re-execute:

cd usertools
python3  ./ -s

the output shows the binding:

python3 ./ -s

Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver
0000:00:03.0 '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller 100e' drv=uio_pci_generic unused=e1000,vfio-pci

No 'Baseband' devices detected

Running Ethtool sample aplication

Move to the usertools directory and reserve hugepages for DPDK to run properly using the python script.

cd usertools

sudo python3 ./ --pagesize 2M --setup 256M --node 0

Move to the examples directory to run the sample application from here

cd ..

cd builddir/examples/

Run the sample application binary.

sudo ./dpdk-ethtool

The output should be similar to this:

EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 4 
EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 1 
EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK 
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket 
EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'PA' EAL: VFIO support initialized 
EAL: Probe PCI driver: net_e1000_em (8086:100e) device: 0000:00:03.0 (socket -1) 
TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created 
Number of NICs: 1 
Init port 0.. 
EthApp> drvinfo 
firmware version get error: (Operation not supported) 
Port 0 driver: net_e1000_em (ver: DPDK 23.11.1) 
bus-info: 0000:00:03.0 
EthApp> quit Closing port 0... Done


  • For a computer with an incompatible NIC the error: "No available NIC ports!" should come up with an output like the following:
sudo ./dpdk-ethtool
EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 8
EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 1
EAL: Detected static linkage of DPDK
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket
EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'PA'
EAL: VFIO support initialized
Number of NICs: 0
EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1
  Cause: No available NIC ports!