Quick start ubuntu 11.10

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

I bought a new laptop today (2011 10 28) and I thought it would document what I did to get it up and running like my desktop machine. Here are my notes.

Installing Ubuntu

Downloaded 32 bit Ubuntu 11.10 ISO from http:www.ubuntu.com and did a default install, selecting installing non Open Source packages. Updated to the latest version.

When I started Ubuntu 11.10 I met Unity - ugh - this is going to take some getting used to (but you can opt to not use Unity by installing gnome-panel, and then choosing to login as "Gnome classic" in the login screen). I finally pinned terminal in my app launcher by picking "Dash home" (top icon in the left vertical panel), More Apps, Search "terminal", then when it shows up in the left panel, right mouse click and select "Keep in launcher".

sudo, my best friend

I don't want sudo to ask me for a password all the time, so I run:

sudo sh -c "echo '%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"

Capturing packages installed on desktop PC

I have been using the same desktop PC, with Ubuntu installed, for several years. The simple way to make sure my new laptop would have what I needed while on the road was to install the same packages I have installed on my desktop.

On my desktop I ran:

INSTALLED_PACKAGES=`aptitude search '[a-z]*'  | grep ^i | cut -c5-36`
for PACKAGE in $INSTALLED_PACKAGES ; do echo apt-get -y install $PACKAGE ; done > /tmp/get-packages.sh

Installing packages on laptop

To copy the /tmp/get-packages.sh, I connected from my laptop to my desktop opening my home directory (left panel, 2nd icon down, Home Foled) then entering into the Go->Location (from the application menu in the top part of the screen) and use ssh://contra-lx where my desktop PC DNS name is contra-lx.

I copied /tmp/get-packages.sh to the Desktop on my new laptop and ran:

sudo sh -x $HOME/Desktop/get-packages.sh

Tuning bash startup script

echo "alias h='history 100'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "alias e='\`make env || echo ERROR: not in a top level development directory 1>&2\`'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/sbin' >> $HOME/.bashrc

When you're ready you can source the file:

source $HOME/.bashrc

SDK downloads

I use /opt/ridgerun/downloads to hold all the packages and tarballs downloaded by the SDK. To reduce the network downloads (allowing me to work on an airplane) I copied all contents to my laptop. The downside is wasted disk space for older versions that the SDK doesn't use anymore

On my desktop I ran:

cd /opt/ridgerun
tar -cf /tmp/opt.ridgerun.downloads.tar downloads

Then copied over /tmp/opt.ridgerun.downloads.tar from my desktop to ~/Desktop on my laptop.

To install the pre-filled downloads directory on the laptop:

cd /opt
sudo mkdir ridgerun
sudo chmod ugo+rwx ridgerun
cd ridgerun
tar -xf ~/Desktop/opt.ridgerun.downloads.tar

Check out, configure, and build RidgeRun SDK

To see if I had everything I needed installed on my laptop, I checked out one of RidgeRun's SDKs and built the target hardware images.

mkdir -p work
cd work
svn co $SDK_URL dm368sdk
cd dm368sdk
make config

Odds and ends

This is my first go at Unity, I found I had to install

  • CompizConfig Settings Manager

to configure auto-raise like I am used to.

  • I have many helper scripts (svndiff, qdiff, finds, etc) in my ~/help directory, so I copied all of them over
  • I customized my ~/.basrc and ~/.emacs, so I copied them over too.
  • I like to watch the CPU load in the top bar, so used Ubuntu Software Center to install system-monitor.
  • Switch shell from dash to bash
sudo rm /bin/sh
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
  • Installed toolchain to /opt/codesourcery/arm-2009q1
  • Installed TI DVSDK required by the RidgeRun SDK