Profiling with GPerfTools

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


Gperftools is a set of tools for performance profiling and memory checking. One of the main advantages of the CPU profiler is a very nice graphical output, low overhead, and very simple use (the profiled application doesn't require any recompilation, and the profiling is enabled by simply preloading the profiler's library also an optional library linking is possible when compiling).


Install the library packages from the GitHub repository

git clone
cd gperftools
sudo make install

On debian-based systems the complementary tools are packaged under the google-perftools package. For graphical output you also need graphviz installed:

sudo apt-get install google-perftools graphviz

Note that all the tools have the “google-” prefix under debian - the prefix may be missing on other systems (and is also missing in the official documentation).

Profiling with gperftools


A) Profile the whole process runtime

1. To start profiling run:

LD_PRELOAD: Path to the usually located at /usr/local/lib/ or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu for 64 bit systems.

CPUPROFILE: Name of the output log file

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ ./path/to/bin
  • Note: Application example for gst-launch-1.0:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! fakesink

2. Keep the application open or running until it finishes, in this mode if the execution is canceled for example with Ctrl+C the output file will not be generated.

3.1 Once the application ended the file contains the CPU profile information. To get a graphical output run:

google-pprof --gv ./path/to/bin

3.2 Also as an alternative viewer you can display it to a web browser by running:

google-pprof --web ./path/to/bin

4. To generate a PDF report with the previous graphic output run:

google-pprof --pdf ./path/to/bin > output.pdf
  • Note: Application example using gst-launch-1.0 as path/to/bin

To get a graphical output run:

google-pprof -gv /usr/bin/gst-launch-1.0

To display it in a web browser run:

google-pprof --web /usr/bin/gst-launch-1.0

To generate a PDF report with the previous graphic output run:

google-pprof --pdf /usr/bin/gst-launch-1.0 > output.pdf

Example graphical output:

B) Profile part of process runtime

In addition to defining the environment variable CPUPROFILE you can also define CPUPROFILESIGNAL. This allows profiling to be controlled via the signal number that you specify. The signal number must be unused by the program under normal operation. Internally it acts as a switch, triggered by the signal, which is off by default.

1. To start profiling run:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ CPUPROFILESIGNAL=12 ./path/to/bin

2. Leave the program running until you want to start the profiling process. Then send the signal:

2.1 You can use htop program to send the signal to the desired process:

2.2 Also you can use killall command to send the -12 signal

killall -12 /path/to/bin

3. Leave the program until the point you want to profile it, then run again:

killall -12 /path/to/bin

You will notice the following output when the output file was correctly generated:

Using signal 12 as cpu profiling switch
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 4773/1826/231936

4. Once the application ended the file contains the CPU profile information. To get a graphical output run:

google-pprof -gv ./path/to/bin

C) Profile specific section of source code

1. Add the header file in your code:

#include <gperftools/profiler.h>

2. Add the following function calls around the code you want to profile:

ProfilerStart(""); //Start profiling section and save to file

* Code to be analyzed

ProfilerStop(); //End profiling section

3. When compiling you will need to link against the profiling library.

You can check the needed library flags by running:

fsolano@ridgerun-laptop:build$ pkg-config --libs libprofiler
-L/usr/local/lib -lprofiler

If you are compiling manually, just add the -lprofiler flag.

If you are using for example meson compilation system you can ask for the library by using:

profiler_dep = dependency('libprofiler')

Add it to the list of your dependencies for example:

lib_common_dep = [opencv_dep,boost_dep,profiler_dep]

And use the dependencies list to build the test app

           dependencies: [libbevlib_dep],
           c_args: c_args)

4. Run the test application, where you will see the output similar to the following:

fsolano@ridgerun-laptop:build$ ./test
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 9/0/280
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 7/0/584
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 12/0/872
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 9/0/712
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 9/0/904
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 7/0/464
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 8/0/680

5. With this method you can wait until the application execution ends, or end it with Ctrl+C.

6. Once the application ended the file contains the CPU profile information. To get a graphical output run:

google-pprof -gv ./test

Modifying Runtime Behavior

You can more finely control the behavior of the CPU profiler via environment variables.

Variable Default Description
CPUPROFILE_FREQUENCY=x 100 How many interrupts/second the cpu-profiler samples.
CPUPROFILE_REALTIME=1 Not set If set to any value (including 0 or the empty string), use ITIMER_REAL instead of ITIMER_PROF to gather profiles.
In general, ITIMER_REAL is not as accurate as ITIMER_PROF, and also interacts badly with use of alarm(),
so prefer ITIMER_PROF unless you have a reason prefer ITIMER_REAL.

How to analyze the output

Different ways to display output data

% google-pprof /path/to/bin                                    #Enters "interactive" mode
% google-pprof --text /path/to/bin                             #Outputs one line per procedure
% google-pprof --gv /path/to/bin                               #Displays annotated call-graph via 'gv'
% google-pprof --gv --focus=Mutex /path/to/bin                 #Restricts to code paths including a .*Mutex.* entry
% google-pprof --gv --focus=Mutex --ignore=string /path/to/bin #Code paths including Mutex but not string
% google-pprof --list=getdir /path/to/bin                      #(Per-line) annotated source listing for getdir()
% google-pprof --disasm=getdir /path/to/bin                    #(Per-PC) annotated disassembly for getdir()
% google-pprof --callgrind /path/to/bin                        #Outputs the call information in callgrind format

Analyzing Text Output

Text mode has lines of output that look like this:

       14   2.1%  17.2%       58   8.7% std::_Rb_tree::find

Here is how to interpret the columns:

  1. Number of profiling samples in this function
  2. Percentage of profiling samples in this function
  3. Percentage of profiling samples in the functions printed so far
  4. Number of profiling samples in this function and its callees
  5. Percentage of profiling samples in this function and its callees
  6. Function name

Node Information

Each node represents a procedure. The directed edges indicate caller to callee relations. Each node is formatted as follows:

Class Name
Method Name
local (percentage)
of cumulative (percentage)

The last one or two lines contain the timing information. (The profiling is done via a sampling method, where by default we take 100 samples a second. Therefore one unit of time in the output corresponds to about 10 milliseconds of execution time.) The "local" time is the time spent executing the instructions directly contained in the procedure (and in any other procedures that were inlined into the procedure). The "cumulative" time is the sum of the "local" time and the time spent in any callees. If the cumulative time is the same as the local time, it is not printed.

For instance, the timing information for test_main_thread() indicates that 118 units (about 1.18 seconds) were spent executing the code in test_main_thread() and 157 units were spent while executing test_main_thread() and its callees such as snprintf().

The size of the node is proportional to the local count. The percentage displayed in the node corresponds to the count divided by the total run time of the program (that is, the cumulative count for main()).

Edge Information

An edge from one node to another indicates a caller to callee relationship. Each edge is labeled with the time spent by the callee on behalf of the caller. E.g, the edge from test_main_thread() to __sqrt() indicates that of the 200 samples in test_main_thread(), 37 are because of calls to __sqrt().

Meta Information

The top of the display should contain some meta information like:

      Total samples: 202
      Focusing on: 202
      Dropped nodes with <= 1 abs(samples)
      Dropped edges with <= 0 samples

This section contains the name of the program, and the total samples collected during the profiling run. If the --focus option is on, the legend also contains the number of samples being shown in the focused display. Furthermore, some unimportant nodes and edges are dropped to reduce clutter. The characteristics of the dropped nodes and edges are also displayed in the legend.

Focus and Ignore

You can ask pprof to generate a display focused on a particular piece of the program. You specify a regular expression. Any portion of the call-graph that is on a path that contains at least one node matching the regular expression is preserved. The rest of the call-graph is dropped on the floor. For example, you can focus on the vsnprintf() libc call in profiler2_unittest as follows:

pprof --gv --focus=vsnprintf /tmp/profiler2_unittest

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