Installing JetPack 4.6 - NVIDIA SDK Manager

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


JetPack 4.6 should be installed using The NVIDIA Software Development Kit (SDK) Manager which is a tool that bundles developer software and provides an end-to-end development environment setup solution for NVIDIA SDKs.

This wiki page is a summary of how to install JetPack via the NVIDIA SDK Manager. If you have required additional details feel free to review the following resources:

Requirements for Jetson

  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 or 18.04 x64 host-machine with working Internet connection.
  • Memory: 8GB.
  • A minimum of 25GB free disk space on the system volume is needed for each full (host and target) deployed SDK version.
  • X11 must be enabled on the host.

Install NVIDIA SDK Manager

1. Download NVIDIA SDK Manager.
2. Install debian package.

sudo apt install ./sdkmanager-[version].[build#].deb

Install JetPack 4.6

Launch SDK Manager and enter the credentials for your account type, and click Login.


Step 1: Setup the Development Environment

Select product category, hardware configuration, and target operating system, then press continue.

For example to build JetPack for Jetson TX2:

  • Jetson product.
  • Host Machine and Target Hardware: Jetson TX2.
  • Linux Jetpack 4.6.
  • If you like you can also choose to install the NVIDIA DeepStream SDK using the SDK Manager. For this example, that option is not required.

Development Environment
Development Environment
Figure 1. Development Environment

Step 2: Review Components and Accept Licenses

  • Review host and target components that will be installed and accept the terms and conditions of the license agreements.
  • You can also select your desired download and target HW image folders. For future downloads, you can reuse the same download directory to leverage the previously installed components.
  • Press continue.
Review Components
Review Components
Figure 2. Review Components

Step 3: Installation

A security window will appear, so enter your password to proceed. Then the download and installing process will begin.

Figure 3. Installation

A window will appear when the image is ready to be flashed into the target board:

  • If the board was not connected yet, as shown in the following image, this is the time to plug it into the host computer. The SDK Manager will automatically recognize the device, or you can click on the "refresh" option if that wasn't the case.
  • Select manual setup and put the board into recovery mode.
  • When the flash is finished, connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor to the target board in order to set the initial configuration (language, country, username, and password) for the Jetson system.

Figure 4. Flash

A new window will appear asking for the Jetson's username/password in order to install components. You can skip this if you just need a basic setup.

Components Installation
Components Installation
Figure 5. Components Installation

Step 4: Finalize Setup

As you can see in the previous figures, the SDK Manager also gives the option to skip the flashing process. This is useful for development purposes, in case you need a manual setup. If you skip the flashing process, the SDK Manager will show you a summary of the installed components and then you can press "Finish and Exit". Otherwise, the SDK Manager will indicate a final message about the complete process result.

Finalize Setup
Finalize Setup
Figure 6. Finalize Setup


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