How to use GStreamer Daemon to demonstrate trickplay

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


This GStreamer Daemon version is deprecated. A new version was written from scratch on C in 2017 to take advantage of the GStreamer 1.x API and can be found here:

Gstd-1.x GitHub Project

Gstd-1.x Documentation Wiki

If you are interested on the old vala release please continue reading this page. Otherwise please use the new documentation.


This WIKI explains how to use GStreamer Daemon to demonstrate trickplay.


To start the GStd daemon:

/etc/init.d/gstd start 
To test GStd Daemon running status:
ps | grep gstd 

Please try below commands to test trickplay:

GStd command to create a new pipeline and returns the dbus-path to access it:

/ # gst-client create "filesrc location=test1.mp4 ! qtdemux ! queue ! dmaidec_h264 numOutputBufs=12 ! priority nice=-10 ! queue ! priority nice=-10 ! dmaiperf ! \
TIDmaiVideoSink enable-last-buffer=false accelFrameCopy=true videoOutput=DVI videoStd=720P_60"

GStd command to set the active pipeline to play state:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 play 

GStd command to set the active pipeline to pause state:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 pause 

GStd command to move the current playing position to a new 0 th frame position:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 seek 0 

GStd command to set the active pipeline to play state again:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 play 

GStd command to move the current playing position to a new 10000 th frame position:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 seek 10000 

GStd command to move the current playing position to a new 100000 th frame position:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 seek 100000 

GStd Speed commands: Speed command changes playback rate:

speed: Changes playback rate:

  • rate>1.0: fast-forward playback,
  • rate<1.0: slow-forward playback,
  • rate=1.0: normal speed.

Negative rate causes reverse playback.

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 speed 2 
/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 speed 0.5 
/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 speed 4 
/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 speed 1 

GStd 'set' command to set the pipeline specified by path(-p) or active pipeline to null state:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 null

GStd 'get-state' command to get the state of a specific pipeline(-p flag) or the active pipeline

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 get-state 

Following are the commands to try frame advance:

GStd 'step' command to step the number of frames, if no number is provided, 1 is assumed

/ # while true; do gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 step; done 
/ # while sleep 1; do gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 step; done
/ # while sleep 5; do gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 step; done 

GStd 'help' command:

/ # gst-client -p /com/ridgerun/gstreamer/gstd/pipe0 help

Parse single command interactive:
Request the syntax of an specific command with "help <command>".

This is the list of supported commands:

create:Creates a new pipeline and returns the dbus-path to access it

destroy:Destroys the pipeline specified by_path(-p) or the active pipeline

destroy-all:Destroys all pipelines on the factory.

play:Sets the pipeline specified by_path(-p) or the active pipeline to play state

tplay:Sets the pipeline specified by_path (-p) or the active pipeline to play state for a specifed duration

abort-autostop:Aborts the auto stop property in the pipeline specified by_path (-p) or the active pipeline.

ready:Sets the pipeline specified by_path(-p) or the active pipeline to ready state

pause:Sets the pipeline specified by_path(-p) or the active pipeline to pause state

null:Sets the pipeline specified by_path(-p) or active pipeline to null state

aplay:Sets the pipeline to play state, it does not wait the change to be done

aready:Sets the pipeline to ready state, it does not wait the change to be done

apause:Sets the pipeline to pause state, it does not wait the change to be done

anull:Sets the pipeline to null state, it does not wait the change to be done

set:Sets an element's property value of the pipeline

Supported <data-type>s include: boolean, integer, int64, and string

get:Gets an element's property value of the pipeline

get-duration:Gets the pipeline duration time

get-position:Gets the pipeline position

sh:Execute a shell command using interactive console

get-state:Get the state of a specific pipeline(-p flag) or the active pipeline

get-elem-state:Get the state of a specific element ofthe active pipeline

list-pipes: Returns a list of all the dbus-path ofthe existing pipelines

ping: Shows if gstd is alive

ping-pipe:Test if the active pipeline is alive

active:Sets the active pipeline,if no <path> is passed:it returns the actual active pipeline

seek:Moves current playing position to a new one

skip:Skips a period, if period is positive: it moves forward, if negative: it moves backward

speed:Changes playback rate:

* rate>1.0: fast-forward playback,
* rate<1.0: slow-forward playback,
* rate=1.0: normal speed.
Negative rate causes reverse playback.
step: Step the number of frames, if no number is provided, 1 is assumed
send-eos: Send an EOS event on the pipeline
send-custom-event: Send a custom event on the pipeline. The event type can be:

element-set-state: Sets the element state Supported <state>s include: null, ready, paused, playing

element-async-set-state: Sets the element state, it does not wait the change to be done

exit:Exit/quit active console

quit:Exit/quit active console

strict:Enable/disable strict execution mode.

version:Show gst-client version.