How to Use Gstreamer Debug Viewer
What is the GStreamer Debug Viewer
GStreamer Debug Viewer, or gst-debug-viewer, is a GUI tool to ease the process of inspecting and analyzing debug logs produced by GStreamer applications.
brew install pygobject3 cmake json-glib
Ubuntu / Debian Based
sudo apt install cmake
GST_VERSION=`gst-launch-1.0 --gst-version | awk -F'[ .]' '{print $5 "." $6}'`
git clone -b $GST_VERSION
cd gst-devtools
## Disable everything except gst-debug-viewer
echo "Your gstreamer version is $GST_VERSION"
# Gst 1.17 and newer
meson build -Dvalidate=disabled -Dgtk_doc=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Dtests=disabled -Dnls=disabled
# Gst 1.16 and lower
meson build -Dvalidate=false -Dgtk_doc=disabled -Dintrospection=disabled -Dtests=disabled -Dnls=disabled
# Build and install
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
Basic Usage
First create a debug trace. For example test.log using the following pipe:
GST_DEBUG_FILE=test.log GST_DEBUG=4 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=150 ! queue ! fakesink
Finally just start gst-debug-viewer with the file as the argument.
gst-debug-viewer test.log
Alternatively, you may open the GUI and load the file from there.
Main View

- 1 Overall Timeline
- Shows the appearance of debug messages over time. The red translucent box is the current message view. The green plot is the density of the messages.
- 2 Current View Timeline
- Shows the timeline of the debug messages in the current view. The connectors assign each message to it's actual position in time. The connector color shows independent threads.
- 3 Time Column
- Shows the process time at which the message was logged
- 3.5 Level Column
- 4 Category Column
- Shows the debug message category
- 5 Code Column
- Shows the file and line number where the message was logged
- 6 Function Column
- Shows the function name where the message was logged
- 7 Object Column
- Shows the name of the GstObject that logged the message, if any. (This is why you want to use GST_INFO_OBJECT instead of GST_INFO).
- 8 Message Column
- Shows the actual debug content
- 9 Message Box
- A cleaner view showing only the time and message content.
These are the default columns, you can add (or remove) additional ones by going to
The power of the viewer comes from the fact that you can easily filter the current view. To do so:
- Select a message you are interested
- Open the filter menu by either:
- Right click on the message or
- Open View

- Set base time
- Sets the time of this message as 0. Previous messages will have negative times. Useful for checking time differences.
- Hide log level
- Hides all messages that share the same level as this message
- Hide this log level and above
- Hides all messages that have the same level or above
- Show only log level
- Hides messages that have levels different to the one in this message
- Hide log category
- Hides all messages that share the same category as this message
- Show only log category
- Hides all messages with different categories as the one in this message
- Hide thread
- Hide messages logged from the same thread as this message
- Show only thread
- Hides messages logged from threads different than the one in this message
- Hide object
- Hides all message that were logged by the same object as this message
- Show only object
- Hides all messages that were logged by objects different than the one in this messages
- Hide function
- Hides all messages that were logged from the same function as this message
- Show only function
- Hides all messages that were logged from a function other than the one in this message
- Hide filename
- Hides all messages that were logged from the same filename as this message
- Show only filename
- Hides all messages that were logged from a filename other than the one in this message
- Hide lines before this point
- Hides messages above this one
- Hide lines after this point
- Hides messages below this one
- Show hidden lines
- Reset filters
Searching is another indispensable feature. You may press CTRL+f to perform search. This remains true for Mac OSX, it is CTRL not CMD.