How to Use A/B Filesystem Redundancy and OTA with NVIDIA Jetpack
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This wiki shows how to use the new root file system redundancy, as well as the image-based OTA update features, available since Jetpack 4.6.
The OTA update feature enables the user of NVIDIA Jetson platforms to update their devices. Instead of going through the process of re-flashing a board with a new image of the latest Jetpack version, the user can now simply perform the update, as long as the device supports it. This provides benefits such as the option to maintain files after the update, customize the file system before updating, and a fail-safe update procedure.
Similar to OTA update, file system redundancy is a feature integrated into the newer versions of Jetpack. It provides the user with the ability to have two root file systems in the Jetson Device. This feature proves to be highly beneficial for applications where system reliability is of the highest priority. With options like independent creation and update of the two file systems, file system switching and fail-over, this feature is of great value to NVIDIA Jetson platform users.
Feature support table | ||
Board | OTA Update | File System Redundancy |
Jetson TX2 | Yes | Yes |
Jetson AGX Xavier | Yes | Yes |
Jetson Xavier NX | Yes | Yes |
Jetson TX2 NX | Yes | No |
Jetson Nano | No | No |
Image based OTA Update
It is the process to upgrade the whole system by updating partition by partition. Partition-based OTA can be used when the partition layout has changed between the currently running version and the target version (such as when upgrading from L4T 28.2 to L4T 32.6.1) and also can be used when there is no partition layout changes between the currently running version and the target version. The update process is performed by rebooting the device into recovery mode and running recovery kernel and recovery initrd, and then updating the partitions one by one.
It is currently supported only for the Jetson AGX Xavier, Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson TX2 and Jetson TX2 NX. The next table shows the updates supported out-of-the-box, but it is possible to update to other releases such as 32.4 or 32.5 by slightly modifying the procedure.
Board | Supported upgrades |
Jetson TX21 |
Jetson AGX Xavier |
Jetson Xavier NX |
Jetson TX2 NX |
1 Only the original TX2 module.
The following updates have been tested:
Board | Supported upgrades |
Jetson TX2 |
Note: There needs to be free space available in EMMC (~100MB for TX2 and ~300MB for Jetson AGX Xavier) to build an intermediate boot path, in case there is a reboot during OTA so that the device can fallback to recovery kernel from this path.
How to Perform an OTA Update
These instructions were extracted from NVIDIA official documentation.
Note: You cannot use OTA update to update a Jetson device on which Jetpack is installed.
Steps on the host machine
1. Flash the target device with any of the BSP listed above in order to perform the update to the R32.6.1 BSP.
2. Assign the BASE_BSP environment variable to the Linux_for_Tegra directory of the JetPack version you just flashed or the old one you had.
#Usually is in a path similar to this
3. Download the SDK packages from the version you want to update to (32.6.1) and unpack them in the install directory.
# This is the default install directory for SDK manager, change according to your case.
cd /home/${USER}/nvidia/
mkdir L4T_32.6.1/
cd L4T_32.6.1/
4. Unpack and apply the new release sample root filesystem.
For simplicity, lets define a variable for the NVIDIA downloads directory. This will change if you changed the default downloads directory.
Now, let's continue with the next step.
# Modify this if you changed the default downloads directory
tar xpf $NVIDIA_DOWNLOADS_DIR/Jetson_Linux_R32.6.1_aarch64.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
sudo tar xpf $NVIDIA_DOWNLOADS_DIR/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.6.1_aarch64.tbz2
Optional: Apply your customizations to the rootfs at this moment (e.g. Add files, libraries, binaries).
cd ..
sudo ./
5. Assign the ToT_BSP (Top of Tree, latest release) and TARGET_BSP variables to the Linux_for_Tegra folder of the new release (32.6.1).
#After last commands you should be on this ''Linux_for_Tegra'' directory
6. Unpack the OTA tools package (this will add some extra files to the Linux_for_Tegra directory). This package can be found in the official NVIDIA release page, in the Tools section, under the name Jetson Platform Over-The-Air Update Tools.
cd ..
tar <OTA_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD_PATH>/xpf ota_tools_r32.6.1_aarch64.tbz2
7. Optional: If you want to update to another release different than ToT, such as 32.4 or 32.5 follow the next instructions from step 6 to 11, otherwise go to step 8.
8. Generate the base recovery image and recovery DTB:
First, make sure you have the device tree compiler by running:
sudo apt install device-tree-compiler
Optional: Backup files that you want to keep after the update. NVIDIA provides as part of the OTA tools from R32.6.1 release a file named ota_backup_files_list.txt inside the Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ directory. You can add there the files or directories that you want to backup and then restore after the update. They should be listed using the absolute path without the first / that indicates the root.
And then run:
cd $ToT_BSP
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ [-u <PKC key file>] [-v <SBK key file>] <target_board> <bsp_version> ${BASE_BSP} ${BASE_BSP}/rootfs ${TARGET_BSP}
- <target_board> can be:
- For Jetson Xavier NX P3668-0000: jetson-xavier-nx-devkit
- For Jetson Xavier NX P3668-0001: jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc
- For Jetson TX2 NX: jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-tx2-nx
- For Jetson AGX Xavier P2888-0001 (16 GB) or P2888-0004 (32 GB): jetson-agx-xavier-devkit
- For Jetson TX2 P3310-1000: jetson-tx2-devkit
- <bsp_version> can be R28-2, R28-3, R28-4, R32-1, R32-2, R32-3, R32-4, R32-5 or R32-6
- <PKC key file> is an optional PKC key file. It must be the same as the one used in flashing images to the target board.
- <SBK key file> is an optional SBK key file. It must be the same as the one used in flashing images to the target board.
So, an example for TX2 upgrading from 32.5 to 32.6.1 without PCK and SBK files would be:
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ jetson-tx2-devkit R32-5 ${BASE_BSP} ${BASE_BSP}/rootfs ${TARGET_BSP}
After running this command you should have a recovery image and a recovery DTB under ${TARGET_BSP}/bootloader. These are typically named recovery.dtb.<bsp_version> and recovery.img.<bsp_version>.
9. Generate the OTA update payload package:
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ [-s] [‑b] [‑r] [-u <PKC_key_file>] [-v <SBK_key_file>] [-o <rootfs_updater>] [-f <rootfs_image>] <target_board> <bsp_version>
where the parameters are:
- ‑s: Skip generating the rootfs image. Use this option if a rootfs image has been generated or specified with the -f option.
- -b: Generate an OTA payload package for updating Bootloader only. This option is meaningful only for an update without partition layout change.
- -r: Generate an OTA payload package for updating rootfs only. This option is valid only for an update without partition layout change.
- <PKC_key_file> is an optional PKC key file. It must be the same as the one used in flashing images to the target board.
- <SBK_key_file> is an optional SBK key file. It must be the same as the one used in flashing images to the target board.
- <rootfs_updater> specifies the script to be used to update the rootfs partition. (For more information, see NVIDIA official guidelines). If not specified, the default included in the BSP will be used.
- <rootfs_image> is the path of the rootfs image to be written to the rootfs partition. If not specified, an image will be created used the default sample rootfs.
- <target_board> is the configuration name specified for in last step.
- <bsp_version> is the base BSP version specified for in last step.
Note: ‑s, ‑b, and ‑r may be used separately, as shown, or may be combined in a single word, e.g. ‑sb or ‑sr.
So, an example for perfoming a TX2 full upgrade from 32.5 to 32.6.1 without PCK and SBK files would be:
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ jetson-tx2-devkit R32-5
This script generates the file ota_payload_package.tar.gz under ${TARGET_BSP}/bootloader/<target_board>. This package would normally be uploaded to an OTA server in order to implement a complete OTA solution. The ota_payload_package.tar.gz archive that the script generates from the default rootfs occupies about 2 GB. A self-generated rootfs may yield a larger or smaller archive. Decompressing the archive on the Jetson device to apply the image-based OTA requires at least 6 GB of free space.
Note: Steps 8 and 9 use the L4T sample rootfs from ${BASE_BSP}/rootfs/ to build the recovery kernel, recovery DTB and OTA package. If you have customized the sample rootfs, for example, you must add required libraries and binaries into rootfs, and apply them before running these scripts.
Steps on the target board
10. Check /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to see if INITRD variable is set, otherwise add:
LINUX /boot/Image line:
INITRD /boot/initrd # Add this line
Check if the root device is set, otherwise add it into the APPEND line:
root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4
11. Create a working directory for the OTA update process and assign it to the WORKDIR variable:
mkdir ota_workdir
cd ota_workdir
12. Download the OTA update tool package ota_tools_<release>_aarch64.tbz2 from step 6 and unpack it inside $WORKDIR.
An example with SSH would be the following:
scp <host_user>@<host_ip_address>:<path-to-ota-tools-tarball> . tar xpf ota_tools_r32.6.1_aarch64.tbz2
13. Download the ota_payload_package.tar.gz from step 8 and put in the directory (/ota).
An example with SSH would be the following:
sudo mkdir /ota
sudo scp <host_user>@<host_ip_address>:<path-to-ota-payload-tarball> /ota/
14. Prepare to start OTA:
cd ${WORKDIR}/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade
sudo ./ /dev/mmcblk0 /ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz
where /dev/mmcblk0 is the device on which the partitions for the backup boot path are placed and /ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz is the OTA payload package. The nv_ota_start tool will handle automatically all use cases whether rootfs A/B is enabled or not and whether there are partition layout changes or not.
15. If no error occurs in the last step, reboot the target board.
16. Wait for the device to reboot. It may reboot a couple of times and get stuck at a black screen for a few minutes but then it will boot back up with the new L4T release.
- If rootfs A/B was enabled on the target, the Bootloader partitions and rootfs partitions are updated only on the inactive slot. If the boot fails, the system will boot to the good slot, which was the one from where the update command was triggered, otherwise the target board reboots to the just updated slot.
- If rootfs A/B is disabled the target first boots into the recovery kernel, which runs the OTA update process, and then reboots into the updated L4T.
Note: To create a complete, secure OTA update solution, you must implement an OTA client that executes steps 11−15 on the target device, and you must apply security mechanisms according to your security policy requirements.
NVIDIA provides several examples of how to apply image-based OTA update for some specific use cases. For more details about these examples, see the file Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/Image_based_OTA_Examples.txt, included in the OTA tools package.
A/B Root File System Support
Starting from JetPack 4.5 NVIDIA provides full support for root filesystems redundancy on Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson Xavier AGX, and Jetson TX2 series. It uses two root filesystems, one designated rootfs A and stored in the usual filesystem partition, APP, and the other designated rootfs B and stored in a new partition, APP_b, located after APP on the disk.
As a failover mechanism, if the current active rootfs were damaged or corrupted, and then can’t boot up the system, after automatically rebooting 3 times (customizable), the device will failover to the other available unused rootfs to boot up. If both rootfs A and B are unbootable, the device will boot into the recovery kernel image.
This feature is currently supported just on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX, Xavier NX, and TX2.
Here are some useful terms in order to understand the feature:
- active rootfs slot: the slot that the next boot operation will attempt to boot from.
- current rootfs slot: the slot that is currently being used. The opposite of this is the unused rootfs slot.
How to Create Redundant Root Filesystems
The JetPack 4.5 release provides a simple flash command to create and flash the target board with root filesystem redundancy. Go to the Linux_for_Tegra directory of the JetPack 4.5 release in your host machine:
# Usually on this directory
cd /home/${USER}/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.5_Linux_{DEVICE_NAME}/Linux_for_Tegra/
Make sure you apply the sample root filesystem.
Before flashing you can do some customizations.
Root Filesystem Size Customization
When root filesystems redundancy is in use, the size of each rootfs partition (APP and APP_b) is half the size that the rootfs would be if rootfs redundancy were not in use. That size is specified by ROOTFSSIZE in the configuration file for the target board. You can change the amount of space allocated to the root filesystems by changing the value of ROOTFSSIZE before you flash the target.
In order to do this you need to modify the next file according to your board:
Board | Configuration File |
Xavier NX | p3668.conf.common |
Xavier AGX | p2972-0000.conf.common |
TX2 | p2771-0000.conf.common |
For example, If you require to modify the size of the root filesystem in an Xavier NX, edit the ROOTFSSIZE variable in the following snippet located in the p3668.conf.common file:
if [ "${ROOTFS_AB}" == 1 ]; then
SMD Partition Image Customization
The SMD partition holds information about the status of a slot. A device with redundant filesystems has two partitions, SMD for slot A and SMD_b for slot B. The root filesystems redundancy requires the SMD partitions to function. The SMD partition image is stored in the file slot_metadata.bin.rootfsAB, which the script nv_smd_generator generates from smd_info.rootfs_AB.cfg.
In order to customize this, edit the smd_info.rootfs_AB.cfg file, located in the bootloader directory:
cd bootloader
${YOUR_EDITOR} smd_info.rootfs_AB.cfg
There, you may disable the root filesystems redundancy and change the active slot, if that is what you require. You can achieve such task, by modifying the <ROOTFS_AB 1>, <ROOTFS_ACTIVE_A 1> and <ROOTFS_ACTIVE_B 1> variables. See the next snippet taken from the default configuration:
# Config 2: Enable rootfs A/B support (default)
< ROOTFS_AB 1 > #Disable root filesystems redundancy by replacing 1 with 0
# Select rootfs A as the active rootfs
< ROOTFS_ACTIVE_A 1 > #To set slot B, comment this line and uncomment the next one
You can also change the number of times CBoot tries to use the primary file system, before changing the roles and using the secondary. By setting:
# Set the maximum rootfs slot retry count
# Please make sure this field is set before slot info config
# The valid setting is 1 to 3
Finally, if you require to perform bootloader related configurtions. You can set the following variables:
# Enable/disable unified bootloader AB and rootfs AB
# Set 1 to enable, set 0 to disable. Default is enabled
# This option must be defined after "< ROOTFS_AB 1 >"
# When < ROOTFS_BL_UNIFIED_AB 1 > is set,
# auto sync for both BL and RF are disabled.
# To disable bootloader autosync, use < BL_AUTOSYNC_DISABLE 1 >, default is disabled.
# REDUNDANCY_ENABLE or REDUNDANCY_USER must be defined before
Once the file is modified, generate the new slot_metadata.bin.rootfs_AB.cfg by running:
#./nv_smd_generator <config_file> <output_file>
./nv_smd_generator smd_info.rootfs_AB.cfg slot_metadata.bin.rootfsAB
Flashing the Board with Filesystems Redundancy
Now, to flash the board install the dependencies:
sudo apt install libxml2-utils
and then run on the Linux_for_Tegra directory:
sudo ROOTFS_AB=1 ./ [options] <target_board> <rootdev>
where <target_board> may be:
Board | <target_board> |
Xavier NX | jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc or jetson-xavier-nx-devkit |
Xavier AGX | jetson-agx-xavier-devkit |
TX2 | jetson-tx2-devkit |
and <rootdev> specifies the location of the root filesystems (i.e mmcblk0p1).
For example:
sudo ROOTFS_AB=1 ./ jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1
Keep in mind that the flashing might take a while. If A/B redundancy was enabled you should see at some point some log like this:
Making system.img... #FILESYSTEM A
populating rootfs from ${LOCATION_OF_THE_LINUX_FOR_TEGRA_DIRECTORY} ... done.
populating /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf ... done.
Sync'ing system.img ... done.
Converting RAW image to Sparse image... done.
system.img built successfully.
Making system.img_b... #FILESYSTEM B
populating rootfs from ${LOCATION_OF_THE_LINUX_FOR_TEGRA_DIRECTORY} ... done.
Managing the Root Filesystem Slots with nvbootctrl
The nvbootctrl tool can help you test redundant filesystems from your NVIDIA Jetson device. You can use it to display the status of both root filesystems or to change the active rootfs slot between slots A and B.
In order to use it you may run:
sudo nvbootctrl -t rootfs <command>
where <command> can be:
<command> | Description |
get-number-slots | Prints the number of slots. |
get-current-slot | Prints the index of the currently running slot. |
mark-boot-successful | Marks the current slot as good. |
set-active-boot-slot <slot> | Causes next boot to load and execute the specified slot. |
set-slot-as-unbootable <slot> | Marks <slot> as invalid. |
is-slot-bootable <slot> | Returns 0 if <slot> is bootable, or a non-zero value otherwise. |
is-slot-marked-successful <slot> | Returns 0 only if <slot> is marked as good. |
get-suffix <slot> | Prints the suffix of <slot>. |
dump-slots-info | Prints information about slots. |
is-autosync-enabled | Prints the status of autosync (enabled or disabled). For Bootloader only. |
toggle-autosync | Toggles the enablement status of autosync. For Bootloader only. |
is-unified-enabled | Returns:
- <slot> is 0 for A and 1 for B.
- If bootloader and rootfs A/B are unified you should omit the -t rootfs parameter.
Debian OTA Update with Root Filesystem Redundancy Enabled
Jetson Linux uses Debian packages to implement Over-the-Air (OTA) update. The OTA update process is the same for a system with root filesystem redundancy as for one with a single root filesystem, which means that it is not a feature exclusive to the 32.6 release. Also, keep in mind that the Debian packages only update files in the current rootfs slot. The system does not switch the active root filesystem slot after rebooting. This is a guide based on NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide.
Upgrade packages to a new point release
This in case you want to update to a new point release of the same minor release; for example, from r32.4.1 to r32.4.2.
1. Run the following commands:
#Read a list of packages from the remote APT repository and identifies new and upgradable packages
sudo apt update
#Display a list of new and upgradable packages
sudo apt list --upgradable
sudo apt upgrade
2. Reboot your Jetson device when the upgrade is finished (remember that it will boot from the same slot in which the packages were updated).
Upgrade packages to a new minor release
This is in case you want to update to a new minor release; for example, from r32.3.x to r32.4.2.
1. Open the apt source configuration file in a text editor, for example:
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list
2. Change the repository name from r32 to r32.4 (or any other newer minor version you want), and <platform> to the appropriate processor name for your platform, where the original commands are:
#Note that r32 may be r32.4 or other name repo according to your current release
deb r32 main
deb<platform> r32 main
Here <platform> identifies the platform’s processor:
- t186 for Jetson TX2 series
- t194 for Jetson AGX Xavier series or Jetson Xavier NX
- t210 for Jetson Nano or Jetson TX1
For example, if your platform is Jetson Xavier NX it should look like this:
deb r32.4 main deb r32.4 main
3. Save and close the source configuration file.
4. Run the commands:
sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade
5.Reboot your Jetson device when the upgrade is finished.
Update Partition Images and Rootfs Image
Bootloader, Kernel and Kernel-dtb
The NVIDIA update engine tool updates the images to the unused bootloader partitions and switches the active bootloader slot. The system then boots from the new (updated) active partition. This is the same process as previous bootloader updates. However, now the kernel and kernel-dtb partitions do not belong to the bootloader when rootfs redundancy is enabled, so the update process must identify them by the rootfs slot ID, not the bootloader slot ID. For example, if the current rootfs slot ID is 0, then the kernel and kernel-dtb images must be updated to slot 1.
1. Plug in the Jetson device in recovery mode to the host and generate the bootloader and kernel payloads named bl_only_payload, kernel_only_payload and bl_update_payload by running:
cd <path-to-Linux_for_Tegra-directory>
sudo ./ [-u <pkc_key_file>] [‑p <options>] [-d] <processor>
- <pkc_key_file> is the RSA private key file for your Jetson carrier board.
- -d causes the script to run in debug mode, which keeps all boot firmware blob images in bootloader/signed and bootloader/multi-signed
- <options> is a string containing command line options to be passed to to generate the BUP. If the string contains whitespace characters, it must be enclosed in quotes.
- <processor> is t19x for a Jetson Xavier series processor, or t18x for a Jetson TX2 series processor.
The resulting files should be stored at bootloader/payloads_<processor>.
2. Download the payloads to the Jetson device.
3. Apply the updates in the Jetson device.
- For kernel and bootloader
Copy bl_update_payload to /opt/ota_package/bl_update_payload and then run:
sudo nv_update_engine --install
- For bootloader only
Copy bl_only_payload to /opt/ota_package/bl_update_payload and then run:
sudo nv_update_engine --install
- For kernel only
Copy kernel_only_payload to /opt/ota_package/bl_update_payload and then run:
sudo nvbootctrl -t rootfs get-current-slot
This will print the current slot, so if it is 0 you must update the kernel_b and kernel-dtb_b partitions and if is 1 then the kernel and kernel-dtb partitions.
sudo nv_bootloader_payload_updater --part <kernel | kernel_b> sudo nv_bootloader_payload_updater --part <kernel-dtb | kernel-dtb_b>
Where the kernel partitions depend on the current slot as stated above.
Note: The bootloader updates will cause the device to reboot in the other bootloader slot.
Root Filesystem Customization and Update
Usually, when you need to update the filesystem with some files, these files are generated natively inside the Jetson device. This means that you need a way to move the complete filesystem from the target into the host in order to be able to distribute it to customers so they can apply the update too.
The NVIDIA tool for updating the rootfs requires an image with the new filesystem to be updated, so in the next step, you will learn how to obtain this image from the Jetson device.
1. Apply the customizations needed in your Jetson device.
2. Put your Jetson device in recovery mode and plug it into the host computer.
3. Run the following command to perform a clone of the rootfs partition. This will generate two image files named <backup-name>.img and <backup-name>.img.raw in case of the APP partition and one file named <backup-name>.img for the APP_b partition. When using the APP partition the .img file generated is a space-optimized version to reduce storage consumption but it cannot be mounted and modified. The img.raw file is the complete image without optimizations, which makes it mountable and editable, so you will be using this one. However, when using APP_b partition it only generates one .img file, in this case, this is the one you can mount and edit.
cd <path-to-Linux_for_Tegra-directory>
sudo ROOTFS_AB=1 ./ -r -k <partition-name> -G <backup-name>.img <target-device> mmcblk0p1
- <target-device> is the device name (e.g. jetson-xavier-nx-devkit, jetson-tx2, etc).
- <partition-name> is either APP or APP_b for rootfs A or B, respectively.
- <backup-name> is the name without extension of the rootfs images that will be generated.
4. Now with the customized image, you can generate an OTA update for updating only the rootfs. To do this follow the instructions in How to Perform an OTA Update, using the same value for BASE_BSP and TARGET_BSP, as we are only interested in updating the rootfs.
Make sure to use the -s, -f <rootfs-image> and -r options in step 9. For example, to update a Jetson TX2 32.6.1 rootfs the command on step 9 would be:
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/ -s -f <backup-image> -r jetson-tx2-devkit R32-6
Where <backup-image> is <backup-name>.img if you cloned APP_b partition or <backup-name>.img.raw if you cloned APP partition.
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