How to Install TensorFlow Lite

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Building TensorFlow Lite from Source

Tested Operating Systems

This instructions have been tested on:

  • Ubuntu Xenial 16.04
  • Ubuntu Bionic 18.04
  • Elementary Hera 5.1

TensorFlow Lite dependencies

sudo apt install git wget unzip python3 curl build-essential zlib1g-dev python3-numpy python3-six

# Some TF tools assume python is pointing to python3
# This uses the update-alternative util to do so. Caution,
# verify you don't have an alternative already configured
# by running "update-alternatives --config python"
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

Configuration Variables


TensorFlow Lite Build Steps

git clone
cd tensorflow

# Move to a stable version
git checkout $TF_VERSION

# Important - download a valid bazel version
BAZEL=`awk -F"'" '/_TF_MAX_BAZEL_VERSION = /{print $2}'`
mkdir bazel
cd bazel
wget -c${BAZEL}/bazel-${BAZEL}
chmod +x bazel-${BAZEL}
sudo ./bazel-${BAZEL}
cd ..

# Configure tensorflow - I usually accept all defaults

# Build the library
cd tensorflow/lite/tools/make
cd ../../../..

# The library will be built here
realpath tensorflow/lite/tools/make/gen/linux_x86_64/lib/libtensorflow-lite.a

Benchmarking a TensorFlow Lite Model

Make sure you've run the previous steps already.

# Configure tensorflow (if you havent already)- I usually accept all defaults

# Finally build the benchmarking tool
bazel build -c opt tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model

# Run the benchmarking
bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model \
  --graph=mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite \

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