Getting started with TI Jacinto 7 Edge AI/Demos/Detection
Run the Detection app
A connected USB camera to the Jacinto board.
Run the object detection demo example
- Select the right camera device:
To select the camera device corresponding to the USC camera or CSI camera being used, run the following command:
ls -l /dev/v4l/by-path/
The above command will output something like the following:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jun 1 19:28 -> ../../video0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jun 1 19:28 -> ../../video1
In this case, a symbolic link to /dev/video1 is created for the USB camera driver (try both symbolic links if one does not work).
- Run the demo:
/opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_cpp/bin/Release/app_object_detection \ --device /dev/video1 \ -m /opt/edge_ai_apps/models/detection/TFL-OD-200-ssd-mobV1-coco-mlperf-300x300 \ -o output/obj_detection_%d.jpg
- The help will show you the flags options
[docker] root@j7-evm:/opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_cpp/build# /opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_cpp/bin/Release/app_object_detection --help
# /opt/edge_ai_apps/apps_cpp/bin/Release/app_object_detection PARAMETERS [OPTIONAL PARAMETERS]
# --model |-m Path to the model directory.
# [--input |-i Source to gst pipeline camera or file.]
# [--output |-o Set gst pipeline output display or file.]
# [--device |-d Device name for camera input.]
# [--index |-u Start index for multiple file input output.]
# [--frame |-f Framerate of gstreamer pipeline for image input.]
# [--no-curses |-n Disable curses report.]
# [--connector |-c Connector id to select output display.]
# [--log-level |-l Logging level to enable. [0: DEBUG 1:INFO 2:WARN 3:ERROR]. Default is 2.
# [--help |-h]
# (c) Texas Instruments 2021