Fast GStreamer overlay element
Emboverlay is a GStreamer element that can be used to overlay: images, text, and/or time and date over video streams or photos without using lots of floating point arithmetic. This is necessary to get good performance when the processor doesn't contain an FPU.
Emboverlay requires GStreamer. You may install it with the following command:
sudo apt install \ gstreamer1.0-x \ libgstreamer1.0-dev \ libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \ libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev
GStreamer embedded overlay element
After building the SDK and installing the images onto your target hardware, verify the embedded GStreamer overlay element is available:
gst-inspect-1.0 | grep emboverlay
With the expected output being:
emboverlay: emboverlay: Embedded Overlay Element
To see the properties that are supported, run:
gst-inspect-1.0 emboverlay
which will display an output similar to:
Element Properties: name : The name of the object flags: readable, writable String. Default: "emboverlay0" parent : The parent of the object flags: readable, writable Object of type "GstObject" qos : Handle Quality-of-Service events flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false font : Font typeface such as Sans flags: readable, writable String. Default: "Sans" italic : Enable or disable italic style on text flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false bold : Enable or disable bold style on text flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false logo : Overlayed image path, must be a png file flags: readable, writable String. Default: null logo-offseth : Overlayed image horizontal offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 logo-offsetv : Overlayed image vertical offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 logo-transparency : Enable or disable logo transparency. flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false logo-scale : Scale factor for overlay image. Scale less than 1.0 shrinks image, range 0.1 to 10.0 flags: readable, writable Float. Range: 0,1 - 10 Default: 1 logo-autofit : Enable or disable auto logo placement so it is fully visible flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false logo-enable : Enable or disable logo rendering flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false text : Overlayed text to display flags: readable, writable String. Default: null text-offseth : Overlayed text horizontal offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text-offsetv : Overlayed text vertical offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text-font-height : Overlayed text font height flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text-color : Overlayed text color. RGB format 0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text-border : Overlayed text border color. RGB format 0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text-enable : Enable or disable text rendering flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false text2 : Overlayed text2 to display flags: readable, writable String. Default: null text2-offseth : Overlayed text2 horizontal offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text2-offsetv : Overlayed text2 vertical offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text2-font-height : Overlayed text2 font height flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text2-color : Overlayed text2 color. RGB format 0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text2-border : Overlayed text2 border color. RGB format 0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 text2-enable : Enable or disable text2 rendering flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false time-pattern : Overlayed time pattern %b %d %Y; %H:%M:%S will render: month day year; hour:minutes:seconds flags: readable, writable String. Default: null time-offseth : Overlayed time horizontal offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 time-offsetv : Overlayed time vertical offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 time-font-height : Overlayed time font size flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 time-color : Overlayed time font color. RGB format color=0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 time-border : Overlayed time border color. RGB format color=0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 time-enable : Enable or disable time rendering flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false frame-number : Starting frame number to overlay flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 1 frame-offseth : Overlayed frame horizontal offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-offsetv : Overlayed frame vertical offset flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-font-height : Overlayed frame font size flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-color : Overlayed frame font color. RGB format color=0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-border : Overlayed frame border color. RGB format color=0xRRGGBB flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-enable : Enable or disable frame rendering flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false
The (x,y) origin is the upper left corner.
Fonts and Graphics
Any Cairo compatible font can use used. Any graphic that can be stored in the PNG file format can be used. For graphics, a color in the PNG file can be used to indicate transparency.
The time consumed to overlay onto each video frame is dependent on two factors:
- Size of text and graphic
- If the bitmap version the text and/or graphic in the correct color space is already cached.
The fast GStreamer overlay element caches the text and graphics in a color space that can be directly applied to each video frame. If the text and graphics don't change from one frame to the next, then the time to overlay text/graphics on the frame is just the bitblit time to process each pixel associated with other overlay regions.
If the text or graphics is being changed quickly, then there is an additional delay to render the text in the chosen font and perform any needed color space conversion.
Adding new fonts
To get the list of installed fonts on the system, run the following command
fc-list | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]'} | sort | uniq
The name of the font that should be used is exactly as it appears on the list generated by the previous command. To generate a sample image with the "Ubuntu" font run the following command:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080 ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="The quick brown fox" text-enable=true font="Ubuntu" ! queue ! filesink location=ubuntu.ts
Some fonts can be displayed as a family, these cases are identified by the comma character (,) in the font's name. Example:
Lato Lato,Lato Black Lato,Lato Hairline Lato,Lato Heavy Lato,Lato Light Lato,Lato Medium Lato,Lato Semibold Lato,Lato Thin
In the above example, Lato is a valid font that can be used with GstEmboverlay but Lato is also a family name that owns the other 7 fonts. GstEmboverlay supports any of the mentioned fonts, if you want to use Lato Hairline you don't need to specify the family name, only the font name, pipeline example:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080 ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="The quick brown fox" text-enable=true font="Lato Hairline" ! queue ! filesink location=lato_hairline.ts
To view the installed systems or to install new fonts the gnome-font-viewer can be used.
To install the program on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install gnome-font-viewer
To run the program:
GStreamer Pipelines for IMX6
Next, you will find various pipelines showing the emboverlay element capabilities, in this case, the element was tested on the IMX6 platform.
You can use emboverlay for text, time, date, logo, and frame-number overlay on each video frame.
Video overlay examples
Text Overlay
Colored text can be entered using hexadecimal values in the following format:
R stands for Red, G for Green, and B for Blue, with the possible values for each color being: 0-FF
0xFFFFFF = White 0x000000 = Black 0xFF0000 = Red 0x00FF00 = Green 0x0000FF = Blue 0xFF8000 = Orange
Any other combination is possible, the same principle applies to the color of the border of the text, letter color and border are chosen with the caps: "text-color", "text-border". The text style can be adjusted as needed, for Bold and Italic styles just set the properties "bold" or "italic" to true.
Example pipeline using normal style:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=50 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true font="Ubuntu" ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_text_overlay.ts

Example pipeline using Bold and Italic styles:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=50 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true font="Ubuntu" italic=true bold=true ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_text_overlay.ts

Date Overlay
emboverlay date has the same capabilities as the Unix date command, letter and border color can be chosen with the caps "time-color" and "time-border", using hexadecimal numbers with the format 0xRRGGBB, for example:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_overlay.ts
Time and date Overlay
Unless your hardware has a battery backed-up real-time clock (RTC) and you have the Linux kernel configured to set the wall clock at power on, your time and date will start at 1970 when you turn on your target hardware. You can check the time/date setting by running
You can also use the date command to set the current time and date. The format of the argument to set the time/date is MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss] For example, if you want to set the time/date to June 22nd, 2013 at 1:32:19 pm, use
date 062213332013.19
You can run below pipeline to view date/time overlay:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="DATE: %m/%d/%y TIME:%H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_time_overlay.ts
Image Overlay
The only supported image file format is PNG. The image size in the file must be have even dimensions.
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! queue ! emboverlay logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_image_overlay.ts
Mixed Overlay (text/logo/date)
Emboverlay can overlay text/date/logo in the same pipeline, the following is an example:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true time-offsetv=200 time-offseth=400 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="%M:%S" time-border=0xFFFFFF time-enable=true logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_mix_overlay.ts
The logo used for the picture examples is 312 x 28 pixels in size and uses white (0xFFFFFF) as the transparency color. This logo has a transparency background, including the circle in the triangle being the transparency color.
Frame Number Overlay
Emboverlay element can overlay frame number, the following pipeline is an example:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! queue ! emboverlay frame-offseth=40 frame-offsetv=40 frame-font-height=50 frame-color=0xFFFFFF frame-border=0x000000 frame-number=0 frame-enable=true ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_frame_number_overlay.ts
Video overlay Performance
Following you will find a series of pipelines using iMX6 hardware resources, with different emboverlay configuration and the corresponding performance results. All the test where run in a SabreSD Quad, capturing from the camera ov5640 mipi.
RidgeRun.png is an image of 1420x369.
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! imxv4l2sink
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:17.739652084; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 716636160.000; fps: 30.529; mean_fps: 30.046; cpu: 3; INFO:21.3 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:18.774840282; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 718058057.143; fps: 29.946; mean_fps: 30.041; cpu: 4; INFO:22.3 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:19.807630621; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 719350690.909; fps: 30.016; mean_fps: 30.039; cpu: 8; INFO:23.4 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:20.840615735; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 720530921.739; fps: 30.010; mean_fps: 30.038; cpu: 5; INFO:24.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:21.873426667; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 721612800.000; fps: 30.015; mean_fps: 30.037; cpu: 6; INFO:25.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:22.906231215; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 722608128.000; fps: 30.015; mean_fps: 30.036; cpu: 4; INFO:26.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:23.939103223; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 723526892.308; fps: 30.013; mean_fps: 30.035; cpu: 6; INFO:27.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:24.972092224; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 724377600.000; fps: 30.010; mean_fps: 30.034; cpu: 7; INFO:28.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:26.004914875; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 725167542.857; fps: 30.015; mean_fps: 30.034; cpu: 3; INFO:29.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:09:27.037792304; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 725903006.897; fps: 30.013; mean_fps: 30.033; cpu: 5;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="DATE: %m/%d/%y TIME:%H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! imxv4l2sink
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:21.091886381; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 642816000.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.102; cpu: 5; INFO:07.8 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:22.092078714; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 657627428.571; fps: 29.994; mean_fps: 30.087; cpu: 6; INFO:08.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:23.128191899; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 668736000.000; fps: 29.920; mean_fps: 30.066; cpu: 4; INFO:09.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:24.128240200; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 677376000.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.058; cpu: 8; INFO:10.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:25.161603271; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 684288000.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.052; cpu: 5; INFO:11.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:26.194880485; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 694656000.000; fps: 30.002; mean_fps: 30.048; cpu: 6; INFO:12.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:27.195047922; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 698643692.308; fps: 29.995; mean_fps: 30.043; cpu: 5; INFO:13.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:28.228228773; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 702061714.286; fps: 30.004; mean_fps: 30.040; cpu: 5; INFO:14.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:29.261612448; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 705024000.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.037; cpu: 8; INFO:15.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:13:30.261644359; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 707616000.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.035; cpu: 7;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! emboverlay logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! imxv4l2sink
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:27.344429931; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 711854682.353; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 29.301; cpu: 17; INFO:51.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:28.377718824; bps: 721612800.000; mean_bps: 712042338.462; fps: 28.066; mean_fps: 29.276; cpu: 19; INFO:52.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:29.422520234; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 712692407.547; fps: 29.671; mean_fps: 29.284; cpu: 17; INFO:53.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:30.441589158; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 713318400.000; fps: 30.420; mean_fps: 29.306; cpu: 17; INFO:55.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:31.475937667; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 713921629.091; fps: 29.971; mean_fps: 29.318; cpu: 17; INFO:56.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:32.487874752; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 714503314.286; fps: 28.658; mean_fps: 29.306; cpu: 16; INFO:57.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:33.487951270; bps: 721612800.000; mean_bps: 714628042.105; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 29.319; cpu: 19; INFO:58.1 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:34.511117511; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 715177489.655; fps: 30.298; mean_fps: 29.336; cpu: 17; INFO:59.1 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:35.522628189; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 715708311.864; fps: 29.659; mean_fps: 29.342; cpu: 18; INFO:00.1 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:30:36.544478696; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 716221440.000; fps: 30.337; mean_fps: 29.359; cpu: 17;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true time-offsetv=200 time-offseth=400 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="%M:%S" time-border=0xFFFFFF time-enable=true logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! imxv4l2sink
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:50.822063510; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 628715520.000; fps: 27.940; mean_fps: 27.643; cpu: 16; INFO:16.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:51.869116122; bps: 721612800.000; mean_bps: 634521600.000; fps: 29.607; mean_fps: 27.774; cpu: 18; INFO:17.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:52.888813964; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 638180894.118; fps: 26.478; mean_fps: 27.693; cpu: 16; INFO:18.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:53.919953969; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 641433600.000; fps: 30.064; mean_fps: 27.832; cpu: 21; INFO:19.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:54.931583659; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 644343915.789; fps: 25.701; mean_fps: 27.714; cpu: 17; INFO:20.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:55.955369192; bps: 671846400.000; mean_bps: 645719040.000; fps: 29.303; mean_fps: 27.797; cpu: 17; INFO:21.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:56.969140223; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 648148114.286; fps: 23.674; mean_fps: 27.591; cpu: 16; INFO:22.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:57.988766998; bps: 622080000.000; mean_bps: 646963200.000; fps: 27.461; mean_fps: 27.585; cpu: 17; INFO:23.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:32:58.988867460; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 649126956.522; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 27.695; cpu: 20; INFO:24.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:33:00.022253756; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 653184000.000; fps: 28.063; mean_fps: 27.711; cpu: 18;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=test_date_overlay.ts
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:01.541128773; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 735049728.000; fps: 30.018; mean_fps: 30.030; cpu: 7; INFO:51.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:02.541171319; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 735274164.706; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.029; cpu: 6; INFO:52.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:03.574551646; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 735489969.231; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.028; cpu: 9; INFO:53.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:04.607776299; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 735697630.189; fps: 30.003; mean_fps: 30.028; cpu: 6; INFO:54.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:05.641148282; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 735897600.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.027; cpu: 6; INFO:55.5 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:06.641274477; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 736090298.182; fps: 29.996; mean_fps: 30.027; cpu: 8; INFO:56.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:07.674558449; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 736276114.286; fps: 30.001; mean_fps: 30.026; cpu: 6; INFO:57.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:08.674585300; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 736455410.526; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.026; cpu: 8; INFO:58.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:09.725150163; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 736628524.138; fps: 29.508; mean_fps: 30.017; cpu: 6; INFO:59.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:37:10.738326849; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 736795769.492; fps: 30.597; mean_fps: 30.027; cpu: 6;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="DATE: %m/%d/%y TIME:%H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=test_date_time_overlay.ts
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:27.990823949; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 718058057.143; fps: 29.994; mean_fps: 30.073; cpu: 9; INFO:21.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:28.990862770; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 719350690.909; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 30.069; cpu: 10; INFO:22.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:30.024142397; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 720530921.739; fps: 30.002; mean_fps: 30.066; cpu: 10; INFO:23.9 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:31.057601896; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 721612800.000; fps: 29.996; mean_fps: 30.063; cpu: 10; INFO:25.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:32.057684984; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 722608128.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.060; cpu: 12; INFO:26.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:33.057792944; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 723526892.308; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 30.058; cpu: 10; INFO:27.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:34.057871104; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 724377600.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.056; cpu: 10; INFO:28.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:35.057954133; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 725167542.857; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.053; cpu: 9; INFO:29.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:36.058041366; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 725903006.897; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 30.051; cpu: 7; INFO:30.0 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:38:37.058101800; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 726589440.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.050; cpu: 10;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! queue ! emboverlay logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=test_image_overlay.ts
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:30.937931965; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 661893120.000; fps: 30.021; mean_fps: 30.313; cpu: 18; INFO:11.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:31.938094314; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 669584290.909; fps: 29.995; mean_fps: 30.281; cpu: 18; INFO:12.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:32.938521568; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 675993600.000; fps: 29.987; mean_fps: 30.255; cpu: 14; INFO:13.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:33.983390609; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 681416861.538; fps: 29.669; mean_fps: 30.206; cpu: 17; INFO:14.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:35.004940653; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 686065371.429; fps: 30.346; mean_fps: 30.217; cpu: 19; INFO:15.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:36.004998854; bps: 771379200.000; mean_bps: 691752960.000; fps: 29.998; mean_fps: 30.201; cpu: 16; INFO:16.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:37.005109277; bps: 721612800.000; mean_bps: 693619200.000; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 30.187; cpu: 14; INFO:17.3 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:38.005217918; bps: 771379200.000; mean_bps: 698193317.647; fps: 29.997; mean_fps: 30.175; cpu: 16; INFO:18.3 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:39.021377723; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 700876800.000; fps: 29.523; mean_fps: 30.137; cpu: 16; INFO:19.2 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:39:40.054240740; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 703277810.526; fps: 30.014; mean_fps: 30.130; cpu: 20;
gst-launch-1.0 imxv4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true time-offsetv=200 time-offseth=400 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="%M:%S" time-border=0xFFFFFF time-enable=true logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! perf print-arm-load=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! queue ! filesink location=test_mixed_overlay.ts
perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:51.132849004; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 679164988.235; fps: 29.996; mean_fps: 29.534; cpu: 20; INFO:18.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:52.166909130; bps: 771379200.000; mean_bps: 684288000.000; fps: 29.979; mean_fps: 29.560; cpu: 22; INFO:19.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:53.199632053; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 687562105.263; fps: 28.081; mean_fps: 29.478; cpu: 19; INFO:20.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:54.199672192; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 688020480.000; fps: 29.999; mean_fps: 29.505; cpu: 20; INFO:21.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:55.200411948; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 690805028.571; fps: 29.978; mean_fps: 29.529; cpu: 21; INFO:22.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:56.233213233; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 693336436.364; fps: 30.015; mean_fps: 29.552; cpu: 19; INFO:23.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:57.261965790; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 695647721.739; fps: 30.134; mean_fps: 29.579; cpu: 22; INFO:24.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:58.262849254; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 697766400.000; fps: 29.974; mean_fps: 29.596; cpu: 20; INFO:25.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:40:59.266694163; bps: 746496000.000; mean_bps: 699715584.000; fps: 27.893; mean_fps: 29.525; cpu: 17; INFO:26.6 / 99:99:99. perf: perf0; timestamp: 0:41:00.302570587; bps: 696729600.000; mean_bps: 699600738.462; fps: 27.030; mean_fps: 29.425; cpu: 17;
GStreamer Pipelines for IMX8
The pipelines and considerations for the IMX8 resemble the IMX6's, some slight changes are introduced due to a different H264 encoding element being used:
Video overlay examples
Text Overlay
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=50 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true font="Ubuntu" ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_text_overlay.ts
Date Overlay
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_overlay.ts
Time and date Overlay
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="DATE: %m/%d/%y TIME:%H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_time_overlay.ts
Image Overlay
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! queue ! emboverlay logo="RidgeRun.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_image_overlay.ts
Mixed Overlay (text/logo/date)
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="Hello overlay" text-enable=true time-offsetv=200 time-offseth=400 time-font-height=50 time-color=0x000000 time-pattern="%M:%S" time-border=0xFFFFFF time-enable=true logo="RidgeRunLogo.png" logo-offsetv=250 logo-offseth=300 logo-transparency=0 logo-enable=true ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_mix_overlay.ts
Frame Number Overlay
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1280,height=720 ! queue ! emboverlay frame-offseth=40 frame-offsetv=40 frame-font-height=50 frame-color=0xFFFFFF frame-border=0x000000 frame-number=0 frame-enable=true ! queue ! vpuenc_h264 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_frame_number_overlay.ts
GStreamer pipelines for NVIDIA Jetson
The following pipeline presents a Date Overlay using nvvidconv.
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc num-buffers=90 \ ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, format=(string)NV12,framerate=(fraction)30/1' \ ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw' ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true \ ! queue ! omxh264enc ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_overlay.ts
GStreamer pipelines for x86
The following pipeline presents text overlay to display:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc is-live=true ! 'video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=30/1' ! queue ! emboverlay text-offsetv=40 text-offseth=40 text-font-height=80 text-color=0xFFFFFF text-border=0x000000 text="The quick brown fox" text-enable=true font="Ubuntu" ! queue ! fpsdisplaysink sync=false
The following pipeline records a video with time overlay:
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc is-live=true ! 'video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=30/1' ! queue ! emboverlay time-offsetv=40 time-offseth=40 time-font-height=50 time-color=0xFFFFFF time-pattern="%b %Y %H:%M:%S" time-border=0x000000 time-enable=true ! queue ! x264enc ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=test_date_overlay.ts
Building and installing on Ubuntu host
In order to build the project run the following commands. Note that the libdir variable corresponds to the Ubuntu 64 bits system.
./ ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ make sudo make install gst-inspect-1.0 emboverlay
Building on Yocto
RidgeRun offers a Yocto layer containing RidgeRun commonly used packages. You can download this package from
It contains a recipe to build the plugin but you need to purchase Embedded Overlay with full source code, from
Adding meta-ridgerun to your Yocto build
First you need to copy meta-ridgerun in your sources directory:
cp -r meta-ridgerun $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/
Then add the RidgeRun meta layer to your bblayers.conf file. First, go to the build configuration directory
cd $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/build/conf/
Open the bblayers.conf file and add the RidgeRun meta layer path $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun to BBLAYERS
Building Embedded Overlay
- Once you have access to the repository, please open in $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/
- Modify the following line in SRC_URI with the correct emboverlay URL by changing <Customer-Directory> with your own.
git://<Customer-Directory>/gst-emboverlay.git;protocol=ssh;branch=${SRCBRANCH} \
- Make sure you have added your ssh key to your GitLab account. For more information: SSH Information
- Finally build recipe:
bitbake gst-emboverlay
SSH Information
The recipe will fetch the repository using your ssh key, thus it's necessary to add the key to the Gitlab page.
For adding it, go to Settings->SSH Keys and add your key, if don't have one you can find there a link about how to generate it.
SHH Issue
If the GitLab key hasn't added to your list of known hosts on the PC, you will have fetch errors when trying to build an Embedded Overlay recipe.
One easy way to add the key is when cloning the repository for the first time from GitLab, it will ask if you want to add the key to your list of known hosts.
git clone<Customer-Directory>/gst-emboverlay.git
Emboverlay versus cairo overlay
cairo overlay
Works in I420 color space. In order to use cairo overlay, code modifications need to be done. GStreamer DMAI encoders work in NV12 color space.
cairo posses three GStreamer elements capable of:
- Blit text
- Blit time
- Render
cairo overlay element properties:
cairo text: Adds text strings on top of a video buffer
- name
- text
- shaded-background
- valign
- halign
- xpad
- ypad
- deltax
- deltay
- font-desc
cairo time: Overlays the time on a video stream
- name
- qos (handle quality of service)
cairo render: Encodes streams using Cairo
- name
RR Emboverlay works in NV12, this allows to use emboverlay with Dmai encoders and TIDmaiVideoSink
Emboverlay is one GStreamer element capable of:
- Blit text
- Blit time
- Blit logo
emboverlay element properties:
Emboverlay is just one GStreamer element, nevertheless, it will be documented as a text element, time element, and logo element
emboverlay text:
- text
- text-offseth
- text-offsetv
- text-font-height
- text-color
- text-border
emboverlay time:
- time-offsetv
- time-offseth
- time-font-height
- time-color
- time-border
- time-pattern
emboverlay logo:
- logo (png file with/without transparence)
- logo-offseth
- logo-offsetv
- logo-transparency
emboverlay versus cairo overlay fps test
fps tests were done in a LeopardBoard DM365 with a 5Mp video camera and overlaying just text
No overlay
Aprox: 29-30 fps
Approx: 12 fps
Aprox: 29-30 fps
For direct inquiries, please refer to the contact information available on our Contact page. Alternatively, you may complete and submit the form provided at the same link. We will respond to your request at our earliest opportunity.
Links to RidgeRun Resources and RidgeRun Artificial Intelligence Solutions can be found in the footer below.