Doxygen update for Ubuntu
Updating Doxygen on Ubuntu host computer
The version of Doxygen that comes with Ubuntu may not support all the needed features used by the RidgeRun SDK. You can update to a new version as follows:
TARBALL_DIR=$HOME/tarballs PROJECTS_DIR=$HOME/projects REAL_QTDIR=/usr/share/qt4 QTINC_DIR=/usr/include/qt4 QTSHARE_DIR=/usr/share/qt4 # remove existing doxygen sudo apt-get remove doxygen doxygen-doc doxygen-docs doxygen-gui doxymacs doxypy # get the source code in place mkdir -p $TARBALL_DIR cd $TARBALL_DIR wget # check if there is a newer version mkdir -p $HOME/projects cd $HOME/projects tar -xzf $TARBALL_DIR/doxygen-*.src.tar.gz cd doxygen-* # weird hack (from doc/install.doc) to get header files in the same subdir as qt mkdir qt cd qt ln -s $QTINC_DIR include ln -s $REAL_QTDIR/lib lib ln -s $REAL_QTDIR/bin bin ln -s $QTSHARE_DIR share export QTDIR=$PWD cd .. # configure, build, and install ./configure --english-only --with-doxywizard make -j 6 sudo make install
If you later want to remove the doxygen you just installed:
cd $HOME/projects/doxygen-* sudo make uninstall