Compiling Jetson cboot sources
Sometimes changes need to be done to the cboot sources in order to generate a different cboot binary from the one that already comes in the JetPack SDK. This wiki page describes the steps that need to be done to compile the L4T cboot sources.
Get the sources
IMPORTANT: The cboot sources for Jetson Nano are not yet released as of November 2021. |
1. Identify the cboot sources tarball for your L4T version and download it. The latest cboot sources can be found at NVIDIA Jetson Linux web page, which contains all the L4T BSP sources.
2. Create a cboot directory to hold the extracted contents and extract the sources:
mkdir cboot
tar -xjf <cboot_source_tarball> -C cboot
Get the toolchain
A 64-bit ARM toolchain is required for cross compilation.
1. Get the toolchain tarball:
2. Extract the contents:
tar xvf gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz
environment variable for cross compilation:
export CROSS_COMPILE=$PWD/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
Compile and install
1. Go the cboot directory and set the path environment variables:
IMPORTANT: Make sure your current top directory's path is not made up of symbolic links. |
cd cboot
export TOP=$PWD
2. Build the cboot binary:
- For Jetson TX2:
make -C ./bootloader/partner/t18x/cboot PROJECT=t186 TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX="${CROSS_COMPILE}" DEBUG=2 BUILDROOT="${PWD}"/out NV_BUILD_SYSTEM_TYPE=l4t NOECHO=@
- For Jetson Xavier:
make -C ./bootloader/partner/t18x/cboot PROJECT=t194 TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX="${CROSS_COMPILE}" DEBUG=2 BUILDROOT="${PWD}"/out NV_TARGET_BOARD=t194ref NV_BUILD_SYSTEM_TYPE=l4t NOECHO=@
After this step, the resulting binary will be in the following paths within the cboot directory:
- ./out/build-t186/lk.bin for Jetson TX2.
- ./out/build-t194/lk.bin for Jetson Xavier.
3. Rename the binary:
- For Jetson TX2:
mv ./out/build-t186/lk.bin ./out/build-t186/cboot.bin
- For Jetson Xavier:
mv ./out/build-t194/lk.bin ./out/build-t194/cboot_t194.bin
4. Replace the existing cboot binary with the compiled one:
- For Jetson TX2:
mv ./out/build-t186/cboot.bin <Linux_For_Tegra directory path>/bootloader
- For Jetson Xavier:
mv ./out/build-t194/cboot_t194.bin <Linux_For_Tegra directory path>/bootloader
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