Cloning TX2

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


With the L4T tools is possible to create a copy of Jetson TX2 by backing up and restore the memory partitions(eMMC). The board must be connected to a host PC over the micro-usb cable and set in recovery mode. This method can be useful when software configurations, programs, and files must be replicated on other Jetson boards.

Cloning device

Move to the L4T installation directory on the host PC. The following command will save the Jetson-s eMMC image to the specified file on the host PC.

sudo ./ -r -k APP -G backup.img jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1

The file backup.img can be used with the same to flash other boards with the same image. This method works with L4T 28 or newer. If you receive an error related to an unrecognized -G option, refer to this post

Copy the backup raw image to flash directory

Copy the .raw image. Please notice it is a large file and the process could take some time.

sudo cp backup.img.raw bootloader/system.img

Flashing the image

The recommended way to flash multiple boards is to save the image above as "system.img" and use the L4T flashing script,, with the -r option (to reuse your backed-up system.img without rebuilding the image from scratch, which will also save some time):

sudo ./ -r -k APP jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1