Android GStreamer audio video playback optimization
Audio/video playback on Android devices can often be optimized by taking advantage of the device's hardware accelerators. GStreamer supports plug-ins that make it easy to use those hardware accelerators. An iMX6 based hardware platform is used to demonstrate how to create an APK that supports hardware accelerated audio/video playback.
Note: These steps were run in ubuntu 14.04
Porting GStreamer 1.6.0 for Android
Cross-compiling GStreamer 1.6.0 core using Cerbero
Cerbero is a multi-platform build system for Open Source projects that builds and creates native packages for different platforms, architectures and distributions. Projects are defined using recipes files (.recipe), which provides a description of the project being built such as name, version, licenses, source packages and instruction to build the project. Recipes also provide listing of files, which are later used for the packaging. Moreover, the built projects can be combined into packages for distribution. These packages are, depending on the target platform, Windows or OS X installers or Linux packages.
The following steps cross-compile the GStreamer 1.6.0 static libraries using cerbero.
Clone Cerbero repository
cd $HOME git clone git:// cerbero cd cerbero git checkout 1.6.0
Set distribution version
Edit the ~/cerbero/config/cross-android-armv7.cbc file and set the target_distro_version like this.
target_distro_version = DistroVersion.ANDROID_JELLY_BEAN
Fetch all necessary dependent packages
./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc bootstrap
Build the GStreamer 1.6.0 package
./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc package gstreamer-1.0
list available packages
./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc list-packages
Set up and build Android Jelly Bean for Nitrogen6x
A Boundary Devices Nitrogen6x board is used for the target hardware.
Setting up your host machine to build the AOSP correctly
To get a successful compilation of the Android Open Source Project, make sure you have installed the following packages in your host computer.
sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils make python-networkx zlib1g-dev:i386 zip sudo apt-get install libswitch-perl
Register and install SSH key
To get Android source code for the Boundary Devices boards, you need to register at the Boundary Devices website and then upload your public SSH key so you can get access to the repository. See this links for instructions:
Download repo tool
mkdir -p ~/bin curl > ~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Create directory to hold Boundary Devices repository
mkdir myandroid cd myandroid
Fetch Android SDK repository
~/bin/repo init -u git:// -b boundary-imx_jb4.3_1.0.0-ga ~/bin/repo sync
Configure environment
source build/ lunch
For example, for Nitrogen you can use: 15. nitrogen6x-eng
Build the AOSP
make -j2
Cross-compiling GStreamer-i.MX using Cerbero
In order to build 'gstreamer-imx' and the 'imxeglvivsink' element, 3 dependencies are needed:
- libimxvpuapi: an alternative to Freescale's VPU wrapper. Both the wrapper and this library are layered on top of imx-vpu , the low-level iMX6 VPU interface.
- libvpu: which is included with the Android distribution for the iMX6 under external/linux-lib/vpu.
- libfslvpuwrapper: v 1.0.45 or higher, provided by Freescale.
For this steps is assumed that the GStreamer core is already built as described above.
Extract kernel headers from your Android build
export KERNEL_HEADERS=/tmp/kernel_headers/usr/ cd $DEVDIR/myandroid/jb-4.3/kernel_imx make headers_install ARCH=arm INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$KERNEL_HEADERS
Copy headers and library to the cerbero
cp myandroid/jb-4.3/external/linux-lib/vpu/vpu_lib.h ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/include cp myandroid/jb-4.3/external/linux-lib/vpu/vpu_io.h ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/include cp myandroid/jb-4.3/out/target/product/nitrogen6x/obj/lib/ ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib
Create and update libimxvpuapi recipe
./cerbero-uninstalled add-recipe libimxvpuapi 0.10.0
Update ~/cerbero/recipes/libimxvpuapi.recipe by replacing the contents with the following recipe.
# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python from import MakefilesBase # Static class Recipe(recipe.Recipe): name = 'libimxvpuapi' version = '0.10.0' licenses = [License.LGPL] commit = '0.10.0' remotes = {'origin': ''} config_sh = './waf configure' make = './waf build' make_install = './waf install' def configure(self): MakefilesBase.configure(self)
Build libimxvpuapi
./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc build libimxvpuapi
Create libimxvpuapi and libgstimxveglvivsink pkg-config files
Store the following information in the ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig/libimxvpuapi.pc file:
prefix=/home/fquiros/cerbero/dist/android_armv7 exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: libimxvpuapi Description: interface library for i.MX6 VPU devices Version: 0.10.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -limxvpuapi Cflags: -I${includedir}
Store the following information in the ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig/libgstimxveglvivsink.pc file:
prefix=/home/fquiros/cerbero/dist/android_armv7 exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: imxeglvivsink Description: custom OpenGL ES 2.x based video sink by using the Vivante direct textures, which allow for smooth playback. Version: 0.12.0 Libs: -L${libdir} -landroid Cflags: -I${includedir}
Create libfslvpuwrap recipe
./cerbero-uninstalled add-recipe libfslvpuwrap 1.0.46
Update ~/cerbero/recipes/libfslvpuwrap.recipe by replacing the contents with the following recipe.
# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python class Recipe(recipe.Recipe): name = 'libfslvpuwrap' version = '1.0.46' licenses = [License.LGPL] stype = SourceType.TARBALL url = ''
Build libfslvpuwrap
PLATFORM=IMX6Q DEST_DIR=~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/ ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc build libfslvpuwrap
Create and update gstreamer-imx recipe
./cerbero-uninstalled add-recipe gstreamer-imx 0.10.1
Update ~/cerbero/recipes/gstreamer-imx.recipe by replacing the contents with the following recipe.
# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python from import MakefilesBase # Static class Recipe(recipe.Recipe): name = 'gstreamer-imx' version = '0.12.0' licenses = [License.LGPL] commit = '0.12.0' remotes = {'origin': ''} config_sh = './waf configure' configure_options = '--build-for-android --kernel-headers=$KERNEL_HEADERS --egl-platform=android' make = './waf build' make_install = './waf install' def configure(self): MakefilesBase.configure(self)
Fetch and build gstreamer-imx package
mkdir recipes/gstreamer-imx wget -O recipes/gstreamer-imx/gstreamer-imx-0.10.1-patchset.tar.gz ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc build gstreamer-imx
Fetch helper files
Ah, so here is the magic.
wget tar -C ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/pkgconfig -xzf gstreamer-imx_android_required_files.tar.gz
If you changed where files are getting installed, then adjust the prefix value in the *.pc files.
Building GStreamer plugins using Cerbero
Create and update gst1.0-fsl-plugins recipe
./cerbero-uninstalled add-recipe gst1.0-fsl-plugins 4.0.4
Update ~/cerbero/recipes/gst1.0-fsl-plugins.recipe by replacing the contents with the following recipe.
# -*- Mode: Python -*- vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4:syntax=python # For Static (4.0.4) class Recipe(recipe.Recipe): name = 'gst1.0-fsl-plugins' version = '4.0.4' licenses = [License.LGPL] stype = SourceType.TARBALL url = '' configure_options = '--enable-static-plugins --enable-static --disable-shared PLATFORM=MX6 CFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb3 -I/tmp/kernel_headers/usr/include -I/home/<user>/cerbero/sources/local/gstreamer-imx/src/common/ -DGST_PLUGIN_BUILD_STATIC -funwind-tables -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector -no-canonical-prefixes -fPIC -mthumb -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -DANDROID -DPIC -D__ARM_ARCH_7A__ -Wa,--noexecstack"' patches = ['gst1.0-fsl-plugins/0001-fixing-plugins-name.patch', 'gst1.0-fsl-plugins/0002-allow-set-bitrate-on-the-fly.patch', 'gst1.0-fsl-plugins/0006-avoid-tools-build-4.0.4.patch', 'gst1.0-fsl-plugins/0007-vpuenc-gst-imx-compatibility.patch', 'gst1.0-fsl-plugins/0008-v4l2-add-capture-type.patch']
Patch build and install gst1.0-fsl-plugins
mkdir recipes/gst1.0-fsl-plugins wget tar -C recipes/gst1.0-fsl-plugins -xzf gst1.0-fsl-plugins-4.0.3-patchset.tar.gz ./cerbero-uninstalled -c config/cross-android-armv7.cbc build gst1.0-fsl-plugins cp ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstvpu.a ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/gstreamer-1.0/static cp ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/gstreamer-1.0/ ~/cerbero/dist/android_armv7/lib/gstreamer-1.0/static
Improving the GStreamer 1.6.0 audio/video pipeline
Assuming that the previous steps were completed successfully, follow these additional instructions in order to get a better CPU performance and smooth playback when the respective GStreamer 1.6.0 Android application. In this section, the approach used consists in a pipeline that uses the 'imxeglvivsink' element, where you need to add the following linking libraries, GStreamer plugins and dependences in the file of your application.
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -landroid -lGLESv2 -lEGL
GSTREAMER_EXTRA_DEPS := gstreamer-video-1.0 libgstvpu libgstimxvpu libfslvpuwrap libgstimxcommon libimxvpuapi libgstimxeglvivsink
GStreamer 1.6.0 audio/video playback pipeline
This section shows both the pipeline used in the source code of the application, where the 'imxeglvivsink' elements was used in order to display the audio and video playback in an Android window.
- 'imxeglvivsink' pipeline
'C' SOURCE CODE PIPELINE MOVIE=/tmp/bigbuckbunny.mp4 gst_parse_launch("playbin uri=file://$MOVIE video-sink='imxeglvivsink'", &error);
CPU Performance
Run the playback by hitting 'Play' on the Android interface, where the performance measurements recorded were the following and they demonstrate that the performance improves and the video is playing smoother.
- 'imxeglvivsink' pipeline, using 'vpudec'
HIGHEST CPU LOAD User 16%, System 10%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0% User 69 + Nice 0 + Sys 44 + Idle 307 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 420 PID PR CPU% S #THR VSS RSS PCY UID Name 3383 2 19% S 25 952436K 45372K fg u0_a78 com.gst_sdk_tutorials.tutorial_3
LOWEST CPU LOAD User 4%, System 10%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0% User 16 + Nice 0 + Sys 39 + Idle 329 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 384 PID PR CPU% S #THR VSS RSS PCY UID Name 3383 2 8% S 25 952604K 45576K fg u0_a78 com.gst_sdk_tutorials.tutorial_3
- 'imxeglvivsink' pipeline, using 'imxvpudec'
HIGHEST CPU LOAD User 19%, System 6%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0% User 83 + Nice 0 + Sys 29 + Idle 310 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 1 = 423 PID PR CPU% S #THR VSS RSS PCY UID Name 3312 0 19% S 25 956436K 45668K fg u0_a48 com.gst_sdk_tutorials.tutorial_3
LOWEST CPU LOAD User 3%, System 15%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0% User 15 + Nice 0 + Sys 62 + Idle 312 + IOW 0 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 389 PID PR CPU% S #THR VSS RSS PCY UID Name 3312 0 9% S 25 964352K 45744K fg u0_a48 com.gst_sdk_tutorials.tutorial_3