Hardware floating point Linaro Toolchain 5.2-2015-2

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Downloading Toolchain

Linaro toolchain Download Link

Creating directory to hold the toolchain

Run the following commands to create the directory to hold the toolchain and allow anyone to write to that directory.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/linaro
sudo chmod ugo+wrx /opt/linaro

Install the toolchain

Run the following command to untar the toolchain and copy it to the install directory.

tar -Jxf gcc-linaro-5.2-2015.11-2-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz -C /opt/linaro

Now, you are able to use the Linaro hardware floating point toolchain.

Steps to select Linaro toochain for building the SDK

In order to select Linaro as your toolchain you have to run the following commands on a terminal on your computer.

`make env`
make coreconfig

After the last command you will get an output like the following one, in there is where you choose Linaro as your toolchain for building your SDK.

Selecting machine/board:
    1. mach-am5728-tievm
  Which? 1

  Selecting toolchain:
    1. linaro
  Which? 1

  Selecting installer:
    1. openfd
    2. u-boot-installer
  Which? 1

  Selecting bootloader:
    1. u-boot-2015.07_am57xx_TI_sdk-
  Which? 1

  Selecting kernel:
    1. linux-4.1.13_am57xx_TI_sdk-
  Which? 1

After that you will see the configuration menu of the SDK, where you can choose between Software Floating Point and Hardware Floating Point; in order to do that yo have to go to the next option on the menu and choose Hardware Floating Point.